stoicsentry: An example, I'm going to do a quest in some mansion in the city. On the way, 10 bandits attack me, then 10 more, then 10 more. I go inside the mansion, where I am attacked by 20 bandits. Then I leave, and I am ambushed by... bandits. First 10, now 10 more, now 10 more.
This is about 1/200th of the game play. I expect that in my time playing the game, I murdered approximately 50% of the city. Yes, approximately 50% of the city is either bandits or rogue mages who attack me for no apparent reason.
Yep, and this city is empty even before all those bandits show up - despite the fact it's described as full of refugees. I mean c'mon BioWare, you broke the cardinal rule of story:
, don't tell.