Fenixp: a) Are you comparing high literature to friggin' Batman? O.o
b) Vast majority of comic books do NOT have a single author, it's actually a massive mix of them, so there's very little artistic integrity to damage
c) Many experiments may turn out to be awesome. See Aliens vs. Predator.
At least someone other than TinyE gets it. Superhero comics being owned by companies rather than single minded individuals have no set end. it's a curse because there is little long term change and a blessing in that it means anything is on the table short term rather than being restrained by being "serious" and "realistic".
This hardly something unique to superhero fiction. This holds true of things like TV cartoons/ animated shows, anything owned by Hasbro, Star Trek, Sitcoms, a lot of horror franchises, the Sherlock Holms stories, James Bond, Warhammer 40k (and Fantasy), a lot of European comics, Doctor Who, and most long running video game franchise. Mario, Zelda, Sonic, Metroid, Castlevainia, Borderlands, Unreal (what story it had) The Elder Scrolls, Duke Nukem, Even Ultima all seem to exist in a limbo where time and change seem to be abstraction than facts of life.
It's because they are owned by corporations who don't want to see tied up after six episodes just to make who ever was writing that week feel special.
It doesn't suit every thing but it's what has let pop-culture become what it is today. Ask anyone on the street who Batman and superman are and they will know. Ask about Silk spectre and Night Owl and most people will give you a blank stare. And people can cry Alan Moore's praises till the sky falls, but without the comic book industry there'd be no Watchmen to loftily lord above fun comics. I like creator owned comics like Flight, Hellboy, Ronin, Pride of Bagdad, When the Wind Blows, M, Contract With God and Bone But I like superhero fiction too.
Reading the comments round here's a little depressing. Seems you can't enjoy the sceptical of a god, a super spy, a monster and Wizard fight aliens on a flying whale no more. And certainly not if it's a crossover :(