1990sGamer123: Can you guys recommend me some good early 3D games (produced between '92 and '96)? Can be third person, first person, etc. Doesn't even have to be a game on GOG or even a PC game. I just need a big list of early 3D games--I am trying to create a "retro" 3D game.
I want to create a game with graphics like in the attached images (it's from an early, unreleased version of King's Quest 8--the graphics date from 1996 and the finished version of the game was MUCH different), so anything like that would be a good recommendation
Hey man, I'm a modder so I can give you some links and recommendations on how to re-create some old style, colour bit pixel ranged 3D effects. Firstly:
This program is what I use to create low colour bit textures and sprites that use a range of palettes. It's perfect when you want to build on an old engine or to gain that textured effect.
You can go ahead with building your own engine, but I would recommend, seeing as there is plenty of old engines out there which are now released Source code or adapted to be modified to modern day engines, but still show and can render old style effects is what I would recommend. This can be from the BUILD engine, the Doom engine or even the Quake 1/2 engine. Popular choices.
Best of luck! - Jazzbyte123