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Is there a game on GoG that has a similar playstyle to elite or frontier?
I'm after a goos space combat/trading game to play.
Star Wolves might be. I haven't played it yet, but the overview sounds like an Elite-esque game.

That being said, if all you want is the combat, get Freespace. Otherwise, go hit up the wishlist.
ckvega: Is there a game on GoG that has a similar playstyle to elite or frontier?
I'm after a goos space combat/trading game to play.
Check out the Independence War games, it won't be an exact fit for what your looking for, but still they are good free-roaming space games.
GOG needs the X series, that or just the rights to Elite
ckvega: Is there a game on GoG that has a similar playstyle to elite or frontier?
I'm after a goos space combat/trading game to play.
Have you ever heard about/tried Darkstar One? It's pretty similar to Elite; you fly about various star clusters, fight pirates/merchants and do intergalactic trade for huge profits.
I think Freespace is exactly what you're describing. Don't look up how to get the legendary weapons until you are nearly done with the game, it will kill the fun.

Gark, not Freespace, I was thinking of Freelancer which I don't think is on GOG. Sorry.
Post edited October 03, 2010 by orcishgamer
Freespace 2 is probably the closest. Independence War has the fighting, but no trading. The best re-make of Elite is probably the freeware software Oolite - it's a total conversion with shader graphics, and there are optional extras such as new ships and missions.
X3: Terran Conflict. Yes, it's not at GoG, but it's the only game I can think of.
I'd also suggest looking at Darkstar One. It's fairly Elite-ish and provides some limited customization too for your ship.
Oh yeah, forgot about Darkstar One. Fun game, but it always felt more like a mouse/keyboard game than a joystick one (which is a big no-no, when space ships are involved).
How about Aquanox 1 & 2? Ok, it's not in the space but underwater - but gameplay is similar (except mabye for trading). Missions, cash, better equipment, harder missions, more know. Unfortunately there is no predecesor of Aquanox series i.e. Archimedean Dynasty here :-(
Cool, thanks for the responses guys. I'll check these suggestions out :)
Star Wolves is not really an Elite-style game, but you might like it anyway. Think of it more like a tactical action/rpg with space ships.

Space shooters like Freespace are not really like Elite either, though they have obvious similarities (no free roaming/trading, et.c., but at least you get to shoot space ships..).

I'd have a look at the Independence War-games and Darkstar One. Those are the closest you'll get to Elite in GOG's catalog right now.