Posted March 13, 2010

But go take a look at that thread about them making another Ultima game. Everyone was quick to remember how much they hate EA.
Hell, go look at all the people who are screaming that EA are evil BECAUSE they are giving away the free DLC/DRM :p
It is looking like Activision or Ubi might take over on the "most hated publisher" category, but they have a lot to overcome. When all the garbage related to the firing of the heads of Infinity Ward and Ubi-drm blow over, I have a sneaking suspicion that people are going to go back to talking about how much they dislike EA.
Or maybe the tide will turn with the new C&C, which is supposed to use a model very similar to Ubi-drm. Or, if EA is lucky, people will be angry that Starcraft 2 is Starcraft 1 with shinier graphics, and Activision will officially take the title :p

As for Ultima. Correct me if I am wrong but isn't the whole hate based on the fact it's a browser game and not a 'proper' Ultima? Who's to say that if the browser Ultima is a success they may infact see a market and make a brand new 'proper' Ultima X. Ultima is EA's IP after all and it's their right to make whatever game they wish with the name. People are hating EA based on the fact they are not making the Ultima they want.
Basically there is no reason to hate EA now and in fact they should be supported.
Fully agree on your last point.
As for the C&C4 (that is the one :p): It is okay because EA has a competent PR team? :p. Don't get me wrong, I fully see why it is more tolerable (at the very least, it is an MP-oriented game), but there is also a crapton of bias. Case in point, people are acting like Ubi-DRM being included in Ruse is just as bad as the one included in AC2, even though Ruse actually IS a multiplayer game.
Plus, imagine an alternate universe where Ubi doesn't exist. Somehow, I think everyone's anger and rage would be focused on EA. Sort of like how everyone's anger and rage is still focused on them for the Securom thing, even though everyone else used it a month later :p
As for the Ultima: Honestly, I don't think we really know anything about the game just yet. People got angry that it wasn't a "true" RPG, but they seemed to forget that HoMM came from Might and Magic.
And look at the Fallout 3 debacle: nobody will ever get the game they want.
They'll scream that they aren't getting the sequel they want, but they would also scream that they aren't getting sequels to the IPs that they want (LucasArts with regard to pretty much all their non-SW stuff, as well as the Jedi Knight and X-Wing serieses).
Either way though, I think we can all agree that the Securom-DRM thing probably had very little to do with EA's profits (or lack thereof), and that most people hated them before MEPC :p