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tinyE: Homer you really need to pick up that Activision Anthology. I think you would dig that the most.
No doubt! The Activsion games for the Atari 2600 were flat out awesome. Pitfall...River Raid....Freeway....Kaboom!....heck, even Boxing....good times.
tinyE: Homer you really need to pick up that Activision Anthology. I think you would dig that the most.
HomerSimpson: No doubt! The Activsion games for the Atari 2600 were flat out awesome. Pitfall...River Raid....Freeway....Kaboom!....heck, even Boxing....good times.
Those are all on there, plus River Raid 2 and BOTH Pitfalls.
Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord
We'd hop on bicycles and ride up the road to the house with the Apple IIe in it, and eagerly wait for a man in a turban to conjure an orange dragon from a pot. Hours would pass as the floppy whirred between combat rounds, punctuated by YES, AWESOME, or MINT when one of our characters scored a particularly excellent hit. One disastrous Tuesday, the party refused to load. An extensive tangle with the utilities disk revealed that we'd been irretrievably encased in solid rock. Someone's older brother had been experimenting with MALOR... creating a legend which persists today.
Ring of Darkness on the Dragon 32 home computer : my first ever RPG and perhaps the reason why I'm STILL gaming into my 40s. I didn't just like this game I WORSHIPPED it and the RPG has been my favourite genre ever since. My friend and I even sang a stupid song in reverence of it, to the tune of the Hallelujah Chorus :

Ringggg of Darkness
Ring of Darkness
Ring of Darkness

Ringggg of Darkness
Ring of Darkness
Ring of Darkness

Brings a tear to my eye I must admit ! I had the same kind of experience when I first played Baldur's Gate in 1998 : I LIVED for that game, my whole life revolved around playing it.
I think nobody said this game, but my favourite one is 3D Movie Maker. It was one of my first pc games and I have very fond memories of it. Unfortunately a couple of years later I changed my pc and couldn't run the game any more, don't know why. That game made me love creating stuff, and nowadays I'm studying publicity (sorry if that's not the right term) here in Uruguay.

Anybody remember this game aswell?
Post edited May 28, 2013 by Maisso89
The above post reminds me of an indy I used to play in college, Frac. It was a 3D Tetris clone and HANDS DOWN the best of the best of those. I had to give it up when I updated my pc and this is going on eighteen years ago. Miss that one.
Lego Island
Lego Chess
Lego Alpha Team
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
Saints of Virtue
Pokemon Emerald
Donkey Kong Country 2
A few Indiana Jones games (think Infernal Machine)
Pajama Sam 3
Sim Theme Park

A whole lot more that I can't remember >_>
TheCycoONE: The other game I played a lot of was Ultima 4 - though I had absolutely no idea what I was suppose to be doing and just wandered the map killing monsters and trying not to die.
Elmofongo: I am surprised how could a kid play Ulitma 4 on Commadore 64 no less, you must be really a smart (knowing what to do in the game) and patient (waiting for the Commodore to load game) kid I have ever known.
Every game took forever to load on the Commodore 64, which was all we had, so it was part of the experience. I memorized the load commands before I could read. As I said, I didn't know what I was doing in Ultima 4. I didn't know how to converse with people or advance the plot. I did know how to kill monsters and walk around the map, which was very exciting at the time.
Blew my mind, had to be Gunship and Bard's Tale both on the C64. Although, I did grow up during the arcade era and I do remember throwing a lot of quarters away on Centipede.
I grew up on PC gaming.

Pretty much anything made by Apogee, Epic Megagames, and ID Software. I did play a bit of other companies though.

I remember playing stunts when I was younger but I never actually owned a full version of it.

I have vague memories of playing 688 Attack Sub and being completely lost, but I liked messing around with the sub stuff

There was this weird ninja game I can't remember the name of, it had this weird control scheme and used PC speaker sound. I can't remember much more of it other then I died a lot, but I kept trying. (Edit: It was bushido, I'm pretty sure, thanks to a quick google search)

Commander Keen was one of the first I remember getting. Still a amazing series. I'd have this on steam but it's missing aliens ate my babysitter and keen dreams.. which is a shame really.

Wolfenstein 3D of course.

My favorite was Jazz Jackrabbit. A game I hope gets a HD remake at some point, or a GOG release. (hint hint)
I loved the level designs of it and the music was simply amazing.

Epic Pinball got me into pinball in a big way, and my love of this video pinball genre now lives on in Pinball FX2.

There was also doom, a game I still play on occasion, mostly with mods and TCs and the like.

Quake seems a tad dated these days, but it's still fun to play. Quake is just weird if you think about it.

Shadow Warrior and Blood are fun to play. I did play Duke Nukem 3D. I even have the megaton version on steam, but for some reason I liked Shadow Warrior just a bit more, even though it didn't get nearly the attention duke nukem 3D did. I hope the "reboot" is good though.

Raptor Call of the Shadows got me hooked on the schmup genre big time, but then came Tyrian, which blew it out of the water, and Stargunner came along, also a fun game.

Along this time the old PC gaming scene was mostly dead. Epic was focusing on unreal tournament and that's about it, apogee/3d realms was stuck in duke nukem forever development hell, and ID was also focusing on their own single series, quake.

I started playing lucasarts point and click games at this point, and early star wars games like dark forces.

I always thought of these three as the nintendo, sega, and atari of dos gaming. Apogee was Nintendo, because they were making far simpler games for the most part. Epic was sega, because their games like jill of the jungle, xargon, jazz, epic pinball, all had a certain distinct sound and look to them, and of course ID software was atari, because they were piggybacking off other companies until they broke off to do their own thing.

Anyways, this is way longer then I intended.
Post edited May 29, 2013 by RetroJaro
First it was that Gorilla game where you had to throw bananas at each other.
Then I saw Doom 1 and I couldn't believe how cool it looked.
Then there was that sidescroller Blackthorne, man that was really something.
Then supaplex
Then when I played Mortal Kombat 2 on the 486, it was like a landmark in how violent and awesome a game could be. Those fatalities were incredible and pretty inappropriate for little me.
Then a lot of Heroes 3 and worms hotseat with my buddies.
Then quake 2 deathmatch on lan was my first ever non-hotseat multiplayer experience.
Then when I hit puberty it was just at the right time when the Tony Hawk 2 came out and I feel so grateful to have caught the Tony Hawk wave like that. It was the coolest thing to ever hit the monitor in my eyes, and it kind of still is to this day.

And goddamn it gog, if you could get system shock 2 in here why the hell can't you get Tony Hawk 2 in here too! Or any of the old pc Tony Hawk games for that matter, imagine how awesome it would be if we could get an online thing going.
Do it before I get too old and bitter to enjoy them.
Super Mario Land
Commander Keen, (a few years after its release)
Gran Turismo
Lego racers
Some game about driving tiny little gnomes into holes that i can't remember the name of. It had 3 scenarios, a desert, a grassland and a snowy landscape
I love this games

1. Super Punch-Out!! (Super Nintendo)
2. Phantasy Star 2 (Sega Megadrive)
3. Dune II: Battle For Arrakis (Sega Megadrive)
4. Zero Tolerance (Sega Megadrive)
5. Comix Zone (Sega Megadrive)
6. Doom Troopers (Sega Megadrive)
7. True Lies (both Megadrive & SNES versions)
8. Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure (Super Nintendo)
9. Centurion: Defender Of Rome (Sega Megadrive)
10. Rock n' Roll Racing (Sega Megadrive)
Oh, how could I forget Doom 1....
I actually only played it with my older brother when my mom left for work, believe me it was super violent back then! (I started it when I was 3-4 years old)
He used to move the character and I pressed Ctrl to shoot and Space to open doors :P

Man, those were the golden times