lukaszthegreat: Sweden had high taxes. lowering them a bit stimulated the economy and might have increased the income.
you can't use that model for usa which is very very different country and has already much lower taxes (and i don't think it ever had as high as Sweden)
keeveek: This is not the point. As you said, you should look at the economy and all factors combined.
Sweden could afford taxes high as that because people were considerably wealthier than in other countries. What is a high taxation in one country isn't in the others. But in the long term, businesses started to leave Sweden because of the tax burden, so lowering the taxes was a good thing to do.
USA is now in the time where more and more businesses outsource to other countries. Lowering the taxes is a good way to bring them back.
I'd say the taxes in USA are too high for the moment US economy is right now. But this is just layman talking.
I'd like to hear more from tangledblue11 about his views on that matter
tax rate is like 15-25 percent for main source of income of the government. thats really low. don't look at margins as they are just the maximum you will pay.
Romney paid 13% tax. and you want to make him pay even less?
Furthermore there is apparently a figure of almost 50% people not paying federal tax at all. doubt it is accurate but i presume it is exaggeration of quite big true figure
some tax rates
highest federal: 35%
capital gains: 15%
highest sale tax: 11% most around 7-8%
just few top, most commonly paid. and you want to lower them too? and there are so so many rules giving you tax breaks....
there is really nowhere to go except up