lol wth, can't get the quotes right. My apologies for this mess!
Rohan15: I had actually planned to head to Half Price Books tomorrow to resell some old PC games.
I love that store. I moved near one and had an orgasm when I walked into the game section. I'm pretty sure it's fine if you still sell them (What are they?).
I was definitely awestruck the first time I walked into one, and now I head there nearly every other weekend to check out the selection. I would visit even more, but it is over an hour away. I still plan to go tomorrow and sell games regardless, as I imagine they will be lenient still for some time.
As for what I had, mostly just random stuff I had laying around that are double copies, typically due to buying a goty/pack of games later. SimCity 4, base Tropico game, Assassins Creed (first one, drm free), the first UT, and one or two others I can't remember off the top of my head. Not really expecting much, but hopefully some other youngin will grab them and discover some quality games of the past :)
Despite not being fond of Gamestop overall, I hope the company as well as many other major organizations band together to overturn this ruling. I honestly cannot imagine the inability to ever trade media again, once other industries start applying the same restrictions (movie industry for instance).