Posted December 21, 2012
Space Rangers
Space Rangers 2
Space Rangers 2 Reboot
Planet Alcatraz
Vivisector: Beast Within
Hellforces (city, labs, jungle, alien world, hell - a wild adventure on a very shitty engine)
Cthulhu Saves the World
Breath of Death VII
Whirlwind of Vietnam
which are "meh" ones? (to help whittle down the list)
or would this offer work out?
(in a modified offer i want to retain the assorted "Space Rangers")
If memory serves, there's little point in Space Rangers 2 if you're grabbing the Reboot. Reboot is just the same SR2, only with expanded "more of everything" content. More quests & stuff.
Hellforces is kinda bad, but beatable - did that this year. Saving should be done often and in different slots.
Vivisector starts of as a bad clone of Serious Sam with experience points, then takes a turn towards Half Life. A bit pretentious, but, if you want to see people running around with half of the flesh on their legs and arms missing, it's just what the doctor ordered.
Planet Alcatraz was originally relying on the "charm" of Russian prison and army humor. I don't know what's left in translation, but the game is known for horrendous dubbing.
The offer could work out like this (Cthulhu and BoD are so cheap and usually bundled anyway), I'd only prefer to give plain SR2 away to someone else, because it's Reboot with less content and without a few interface improvements.