GameRager: 1. But often it is because of my ocd.....but I'M GUESSING that explaining WHY I sometimes do this is bad or passing the buck, just because I tack an explnation onto it? I'm not trying for sympathy, if that's what you're getting at. Or trying to downplay my truly dickish moments. I'm just stating facts, which again my ocd causes me to do....long text etc.
Nobody's particularly upset by walls of text, recursive arguments or point-by-point rebuttals. People get upset when you post blatant spam or insults, and then defend yourself by saying "sometimes I do that, grow a thicker skin," or "4chan doesn't care when I post that, why should you?" or "everyone hates me because I'm not a mindless gogdrone like they are," or the ultimate avant-garde excuse for antisocial behavior, "I don't hide behind a false veil of civility."
GameRager: As for doing the same thing again.....OCD. I guess if someone with Turrets kept saying swears all day he'd be considered a dick even if people explained it was because of his turrets?
If he said "I'm sorry if I offend you, I suffer from copralalia and don't mean the ugly things I may say," then no. If he just said "I have Tourette's, so I guess you better deal with it," then yeah, he'd be a dick. Anyway, are you suggesting that because of your OCD, you
literally have no control over what you post? (Be careful - that's a trap.)
Besides, this isn't about your OCD. You are missing the point again. :p
GameRager: I agree some are worth listening to, and im trying to do that.....I just hate it when a rare slipup makes me target number one all over again regardless of any good things i've done.
The problem there is that I feel like we throw this party at least once a week. If a coworker is pleasant to me three days out of the week, but screams and yells at me the other two, I'm not going to give her credit for passing the 50% mark. I'm going to avoid her as much as possible.
Hell, there was just a big mess a few days ago in the GOG team photo thread. All I took away from that was that you feel fairly strongly that there's nothing objectionable about insulting another person.
I may be a regular on this board, but I'm not a [url=]royal.[/url]. If I screw up and post something stupid or belligerent, I'm going to get pummeled and downrepped for it. I do think, however, that I've made few enough mistakes here that it wouldn't be too hard to put it behind me. By "few enough," I mean that I can think of maybe two or three posts that I honestly really regret making, and none that are low-rated that I know of. I rarely dash off replies without thinking first, I read, re-read and edit before I submit my post, and I often decide that replying at all is the wrong thing to do. I don't win any standing ovations and I won't be quoted in anyone's signature block, but I don't have a reputation for shooting my mouth off, either (I hope).
If I were getting into multiple-page arguments with multiple users almost on a weekly basis, it would be a different story. People would be biased against me because they have a disagreeable history with me; whether I felt it was my fault or not, I'd probably have to be on my best behavior for months before people started to relax their grudges. Unfortunately, that seems to be the situation you're in. You haven't killed anyone's dog, so that bad blood will thin after a while, but you really need to understand
why people get upset with you, not just that they're upset. Then you can address the source of the problem.