lugum: am a diabetic since 2 years now, luckily i only have to take meds for now. but my level is still a bit too high.
i dont know which type sucks most , better to take meds then insulin. but for those who have to take insulin the prospects of getting a cure seems better.
I'm not so sure about the last part. Type 1 diabetics (which are the ones who need to take insulin no matter what) often have had an auto-immune reaction against their own insulin-producing cells. These cells are gone now, so it's hard to imagine a cure. Even if the could be "regrown" through some future technology, chances are that our imuune systems would just attack them again.
Personally, I'm not thinking about cures. I expect to be needing insulin for the complete rest of my life. However, I honestly feel that it could be worse. I look at it this way: Of all incurable, chronic diseases that you can get, diabetes is perhaps the one that can be managed best. You have to do a bit of math before meals, but you have no pain, no serious impairments, you practically remain "fully functional". The insulin shots are a bit like brushing teeth - not really something you'd look forward to, but simply part of daily routine after a while. :)
Oh, and to the OP: +1 for the giveaway, nice idea. :)