And the winner is...
With the entry:
"First I immediately would change the course towards Earth. Once my ship reached transporter range, I would beam to the brig all recalcitrant IP & Copyright holders that don't want to deal with GOG, and send my loyal Vulcan crew to perform mind-melds with the noble purpose of changing their erroneous beliefs. After this, they would be beam back to the planet.
Those few Earthlings immune to mind-meld would suffer an unfortunate group accident (a fortuitous depressurization in the cargo bay). Then would come the turn of negotiating with their replacements in the same way. Rinse and repeat until all obstacles to my noble task had been solved.
This done, I would leave for an epic mission of five years, with the holodeck well stocked with the full catalog of GOG, not bored any time..."
Check your PMs!
Thanks everyone for entering. :)