AnimalMother117: Yeah, Square needs to get their act together and quickly, they can't keep performing like they have been for the last nine or so years. Unfortunately, they made one game I've bought new from them in the last couple of years, and Nintendo published it over here at that. Like I said, it kills me to say all this.
grunthos64: I think Square may of lost all their great developers and the few good ones left in the company are jaded. The only auteur left in the field is Hideo Kojima........Shigeru Miyamoto is a frickin' genius but he just gets trotted out to show off the latest Nintendo thing. I don't think he has really been involved with a game since the first Pikmin and the last Zelda he really worked on was Ocarina of Time, arguably at the series highest zenith that it has never really matched.
Hideo Kojima is a person who for everything I like that he does (handling that whole Quiet thing) he does something I really don't like (I recall MGSIV was supposed to be the end, as in THE end, like the Doors song), and I like Zone of the Enders, I'd like the third one.
Shigeru Miyamoto is one of the most creative minds in the industry, but I does seem like he does not do as much as he really should. Supposedly he has been working on a new IP, but until I hear something from Nintendo less vague than "he's been really busy" I'm not going to put much stock in that.
Personally, my favorite 3D Zelda is Wind Waker, but I see exactly what you mean. After OoT, not real big changes ever really occur, they're fairly minor comparatively. Also, it feels that all post OoT Zelda games are trying to rekindle that same fuzzyy feeling that was first put there by OoT. Not that the post OoT games are bad, just not quite the mind blowers.