Crosmando: Lol, how is that an "unfair" criticism. If something is unbalanced in a game, players are gonna use it more than anything else, they aren't going to pretend it doesn't exist by the magical power of their mind. It's up to developers to fix things like that.
Yes and no.
It's not as black and white as you make it out to be (unless I misunderstood you). It's like this: the degree of challenge is ever changable and personal, if you disagree with any of that then please mention it as I'm not going to argue otherwise. Anyway, the point is that it's up to you to make the best experience you can make it to be with what you have after the developers have done there job. If you expect the developers to do something about it then you have to wait until they fix it but let's take Dark Messiah as an example long after the last patch was delivered. Either you abuse the kicks and ruin the game or you play without it, or only use it when you need it, and enjoy the challenge that presents itself when you don't abuse something. This may not come naturally for most people (it likely don't) but that's how I see it, not always have but I do now.
At the same time I just mentioned that I didn't play a mage because I didn't want to rely solely on mana potions (or limited amount for that matter) so it's not like I want the game to be too hard. For this specific situation I have always been under the impression that mages should use mana like a warrior uses stamina for melee, it shouldn't drain everything away so quickly that when you're out you can do nothing,
even if you play smart (only use AoE on 2 enemies or more etc..) and never waste when you don't need.