s23021536: Kind of like the first then? Are the higher level missions also nearly impossible as in the first game? It really seemed like the odds were impossibly stacked against you in certain missions.
Well kinda. I like Majesty 1 much more, but yes, the how the game play is similar. I only think the the 2 is made worse with prettier graphics.
I find it quite easier but I played a lot of 1 before. I know some people said it is too difficult, but I don't think so and it is nowhere as difficult as Majesty 1. There I had a lot of troubles with some missions and one of them I wasn't able to finish without gambling save scumming to get tons of money.
I didn't have similar troubles in Majesty 2, but some later missions can be quite hard but nowhere as hard as in first one. If you find what places to avoid to not trigger some monsters or scripts and if you know what will come, it will become fairly simpler.