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I remember the first Grandia.
During the PSX times I played a lot of jrpg (it was my favourite genre) but I was never able to beat the first Grandia.I remember the fight agains the last boss:I managed to arrive here with no trouble,but that boss simply destroyed me every single time I approached it.
Levelling up was useless,and can't managed to finish the game,it was the only jrp I can't beat.
Same here, never could complete Grandia 1... Nor Final Fantasy XII either... Wild Arms 3 ..
Heck I've been playing Torneko the last hope on psx and still haven't completed it.
I completed Final Fantasy XII,but it was my last Final Fantasy and I skipped all the optional stuff,doing only the main quest.That game was so boring for me,but I bought it and I wanted complete it.
On Final Fantasy X-2 I can't complete the optional dungeon,it was full of bosses that one-shot me.
Post edited September 28, 2012 by Cavalieroscuro
Too many to count. It's a rare occurrence for me to complete a game.

One that sticks out in my mind is Psychonauts. I never could get through The Meat Circus. I've been thinking about installing the HIB version, as apparently they've tweaked it a bit here and there, among other things making The Meat Circus slightly less impossible.
Septerra core, i always got lost somewhere in the jungle on the lower shells and i completely forgot what to do next after killing the lava boss thing

And UGH!
i always lost somewhere around level 65 or 67, it was too hardcore by then.
Many. But most important that I've tried multiple times but simply never really followed the main story was Morrowind. I always play it for a quite some time but never really finish, and always start a new game when I want to play it again.

Similar would be Neverwinter Nights, Red Dead Redemption and many more.
I must add Legend of Zelda:Link's Awakening to the list.
When I was playing it,I need only one instrument to complete the game,but after several months I didn't play it,when I loaded my play I can't remember where to go and so I can't take the last item I needed for.
Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts. I really tried to get through this game, believe me I did. But between the broken physics, rather repetitive challenges and shamelessly slapping Banjo-Kazooie characters onto what is really a completely different game for the sake of the nostalgia dollar, I just get completely burnt out by about half way.
I'm the same with Morrowind and Oblivion never finished either. Given them both a couple of tries, but always loose interest part way through.
Aningan: Many. But most important that I've tried multiple times but simply never really followed the main story was Morrowind. I always play it for a quite some time but never really finish, and always start a new game when I want to play it again.

Similar would be Neverwinter Nights, Red Dead Redemption and many more.
rayman 1 but i'm working on it
Jagged Alliance 2. I know, i know :(

Everytime I hit Meduna, take over one or two of Meduna sectors and take a pause... moth or six or twelve. And than I come back and can't remeber how it all worked, so i start again and than i conquer whole map and hit Meduna and take over one or two...
Back to the Future III on Sega MegaDrive 2. I never could get past the damn train level...
any Ninja Gaiden game, and yet I keep buying them...
Lately closest to this has been (still):

- Baldur's Gate: having so many ongoing (sub)quests at the same time criss-crossing several areas around the Baldur's Gate city area seems a bit overwhelming, but I'm making progress again. Lately I've even enjoyed it again.

- Dungeon Keeper Deeper Dungeons: I am making slow progress all the time, but it is really _slow_ progress. Each new level seems just so much slow grinding, most of which is mere waiting. I haven't played this for a few weeks now I think, still unsure if I'll get back to it.

After each completed Deeper Dungeons mission, I have this "Great, still ten or so more similar slow levels, only a bit harder (slower) each time...". Yeah, better to drop it I guess, it is not much fun anymore, even from the challenge-point of view.

Too bad I'd like to complete the whole game before jumping to the sequel (Dungeon Keeper 2).

On the whole many of the NES/SNES/Amiga era action games without in-game saving feel pretty much impossible to finish. But with emulators with their fancy save states (save anywhere) they might be possible, but I guess it can be considered cheating because the original games didn't have that option.
Post edited September 28, 2012 by timppu
N0x0ss: Same here, never could complete Grandia 1... Nor Final Fantasy XII either... Wild Arms 3 ..
Heck I've been playing Torneko the last hope on psx and still haven't completed it.
I guess you mean the "Gaia Core" - yeah, that's pretty much where I stopped and gave up as well.

I was actually stuck on both Broken Sword and Beneath a Steel Sky for the best part of a decade. Broken Sword with that fucking goat (I eventually used a walkthough for that bit, and realised I would never have figured that out, even by chance) and Beneath a Steel Sky because I never thought to ask Joey to look at something.

After that it was plain sailing.