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Far Cry
Serious Sam (First and Second)
Ghost Master
Cannon Fodder

I'll also get Baldur's Gate in a month or so, which I already own. I want to support GOG in their mission to get good old games with no DRM.
lotr-sam0711: Myst
the_voivod: I've always wanted that (in fact the whole series) and was going to buy it on Steam (...) months and months ago but apparently it wasn't updated enough to work on newer computers, from what I recall, so I've shied away from it and the rest generally. Does Goggy play them all on every system (Vista x64 upwards)?
I play them on 7 x64, and i believe they worked fine on Vista x64 as well (keep in mind that 7 seems to be slightly more compatible with older games than Vista is).
Beyond Good and Evil
Sands of Time
Freespace 2
Heroes of Might and Magic 3
Master of Magic
Tropico Reloaded
Planescape: Torment
Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project

Not much but I love them all :)
Just Baldur's Gate so far, though I'll probably get BG2 and the Icewind Dale games if they're released.
Descent II is the only one that comes to mind, although of course that was partly because it also includes the first game which I never had. I'll also pick up Total Annihilation at some point for similar reasons.
Heroes of Might and Magic III for now. You can never have enough copies of that!
There are also some games I bought again just as a way of saying "sorry for playing them from pirate copies first", like M&M6, Realms of Arkania 3 and Lords of the Realm. Don't shoot, I was a poor student back then... :)

In the future I plan to buy some other games I already own on cd, since the prospect of playing again stuff like Baldur's Gate and Phantasmagoria without hassle on Windows 7 is too tempting to pass by. But first I will prioritise buying stuff that I have never played before. So many games, so little time... :)
physical copies repurchased on gog:
Call to Power 2
Disciples 2
Empire Earth
Ground Control
Ground Control 2
Heroes of Might & Magic 3

digital copies repurchased on gog:
Fantasy Wars
King's Bounty: The Legend

An I am going to repurchase all the Infinity Engine games (BG , PST, IWD) and ToEE and NWN if they get released here probable this year.
Post edited October 04, 2010 by gyokzoli
I've repurchased Planescape Torment, Gabriel Knight 3 and Arcanum here after getting rid of my original copies years ago. It's usually the case that I realise a year or so after selling the game that I'd love to have a copy to play if the mood strikes me which is exactly why I went and repurchased them from GOG. :D
Planescape Torment
Master of Orion 3
Lords of Magic
Lords of the Realm
Fallout 2
Gothic II
Seven Kingdoms
Heroes II
Heroes III
Caesar III
Call to Power II
Age of Wonders
The Longest Journey

I REALLY enjoy not having to spend hours searching for one of my old CDs whenever I want to play an old game, so there will be plenty of more to add to the list eventually.
Fallout trilogy
Gothic 2
And i'm thinking about Baldurs Gate
Fallout 1-2
Duke nukem 3D
Jagged alliance 1-2
Painkiller black edition

Just some of the first examples that come to mind

Unfortunately, some of these games were lost/sold etc but thankfully I got them here again :)
Repurchased Syberia. A bit silly since I have the original box a friend gifted me, and since it was a gift I'm not really likely to get rid of it (Not like I get rid of games anyway :P), but knowing I'll be able to access it anytime, anywhere without having to think on the goddamned CDs is the main reason I bought it this time. Will most likely get The Longest Journey next time it goes on sale too, I just didn't have enough money to get it along with Syberia and Arcanum :P