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Hell yeah! 6 Dollars for Gothic 2 Gold ed. is a steal! My waiting also finally paid of as Painkiller was finally put on sale :) Got them both just now, can't wait to play! Also, Germany has great Rauchbiers...look them up! Aecht Schlenkerla Urbock FTW!
Picked up Spellforce, and so far loving it.
I love when cheap games go even cheaper
Post edited August 21, 2010 by dward526
Well I already have all the Realms and Spellforce. Gothic II and Painkiller Black Edition still load and play fine from disk. Not interested in the Guild. Guess I can save some money this week. I hope there is a great after Gamescom Sale.
Since your guys' biggest non-free discount seems to've been 50%, and since I don't see Gothic II and Painkiller getting marked down, and since I feel like throwing some monies at you guys, and since Painkiller has an EASY MODO and Yahtzee-praise, and since Gothic II's been on my radar and I just want it off, and since it's been a week since I "bought" your "$0.00" games, and...probably other things, I think I'mma go ahead and 'splurge' (oh Hyne, what have I been reduced to in regards to PC downloadables?) on Gothic II and Painkiller.
GOG, you best be puttin' Gothic I in your anniversary sale, so's I can go ahead and play mah games instead of having an excuse to not play them (I'm already over a week late in booting up that TES4: Oblivion I got, despite it being my co-worker's game of choice).
Might pick up Spellforce and the Arkania games someday, but not now. Actually getting into the above two may take some time in and of itself. Ah, but I'm a slave to bargain hunting, like some kind of digital hoarder.
I bought The Guild - Europa 1400 and Realms of Arcania 1+2+3. I already have the Gothic 2 and Spellforce (boxed Spellforce Universe).
Thank You GOG! You rock!
Just bought Realms 1+2+3. Hope next weekend’s promo will bring nothing interesting for me :-)