Gundato: Front Mission has English versions. I actually loved whichever version I bought for the PS2 a while back.
I think one of the Armored Cores was strategic (the console one). Might be turn-based.
That being said, someone who actually plays console games regularly would be a better choice. I had to grasp at my brain to even remember Front Mission. The games that really come to mind are FInal Fantasy Tactics and those Fire Emblem things.
Fundamentally, they are basically the same game as Disciples or HoMM (at least, at a tactical level). You just select the grid-point with the joystick/d-pad instead of mouse, and have a few nested menus (not many unless you are a spellcaster, really) instead of a bunch of buttons at the bottom of the screen.
Oh, add Warhammer 40k: Squad Command to the list. Not sure how I Forgot that, since I love it and was playing it last week on my PSP :p
Like I keep saying, the turn-based game is simple, from an interface standpoint. There aren't any real needs for "precision" and "speed" or a bunch of buttons. Hell, having a crapton of buttons tends to push people away. So it just becomes a matter of adding mouse support, and you can essentially use the same basic interface. Obviously the more you tweak it, the better. But think about it this way: Overly nested menus on a console or handheld are just as annoying as they are on a PC.
If you can find it on Emulator or in Hard Copy, the front mission on Super Nintendo is amazing, The DS Front Mission is a copy of that game with new features. And the Front Mission 3 on PS1 Is GREAT too. The best of the series.