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Dear Mr. or Mrs. (or any other suitable title) German person, or Person well versed in the German language,

I was wondering if, and hoping that, one of you could be so helpful in providing me with a quick translation of the following lyrics.While I can get the general gist of it, my German isn't good enough to understand the whole thing.

The translation is only for my personal use, so there's no need to try to stick to the rhythm or other such artistic considerations - I just need a quick and rough translation.

Thanks for your help!

Sopor Aeternus - Imhotep

[Schwarzer Drache mischt einen Sturm]

"...Armes, Dunkles Wolkenkind,
hast Dich erneut in Sturm gehullt,
im fadenschein'gen Pechgewand
Dich selbst in ew'ger Nacht verbannt.
Die undurchdringlich' zweite Haut,
hat die Grenze zur Welt erbaut...-
als Eierschale, hart wie Stein,
lasst sie kein Licht noch Warme ein.

Eiskalte Wande, falsches Haus,
kein Leben schlupft aus dir heraus,
kein ungeborenes reift heran,
nur noch ein zorniger, alter Mann
gramt im inneren ewiglich...-
selbst vor dem Tod furchtet er sich."

"Armes, dunkles Wolkenkind,
den schlimmsten Kurs dein Geist stets nimmt.
Dein Pfad des Grau'ns ist trugerisch,
birgt nichts als Schmerz und Leid fur dich;
Szenarien Deine Angst ersinnt,
die niemals war, nicht wirklich sind.
So furchtbar tost der Sturm in dir,
dies bose, alte Ungetier
lockt aus der Finsternis hervor
den garstig zischelnd Schattenchor,
der, wie ein kalter, kranker Hauch,
sich faulig hauft in Deinem Bauch,
und dann als ekler leichenwind
Gute und Schonheit von dir nimmt..."

"Oh, armes, dunkles Wolkenkind"

(The, in my opinion, quite excellent song can be heard here: if anyone's interested)
This question / problem has been solved by mk47atimage
Sopor Aeternus - Imhotep

[Black Dragon mixed up a storm]

"... Low, dark clouds of child
did you gehullt again in storm
in the guise unlucky fadenschein'gen
Yourself banished to o eternal night.
The impenetrable "second skin,
The border has built the world ... -
as egg-shell, hard as stone,
let them not light nor heat.

Icy walls, wrong house
no life slips out of you,
no unborn matures,
just an angry old man
gramt inside forever ... -
even before the death, he is afraid. "

"Low, dark clouds of child
The worst course takes your mind always.
Your path is the deceptively Grau'ns,
brings nothing but pain and suffering for you;
Your fear invents scenarios,
Never Was not real.
However terrible the storm rages inside you,
this bose old Ungetier
elicits from the darkness
the shadow nasty hissing chorus,
which, as a cold, sick breath
the foul place and safely in your belly,
and then as a loathsome corpse wind
Good and beauty takes from thee ... "

"Oh, poor, dark clouds Child"
Have you tried Babelfish on Yahoo, will get a rough translation from there.

Not as good as a German - English member translation but it would be a start
As far as I understand, it's about a guy telling a car to get out of his whale (?)

Is this some kind of surrealism?
Titanium: As far as I understand, it's about a guy telling a car to get out of his whale (?)

Is this some kind of surrealism?
Actually, it's a fairly common situation in Germany. When a whale swallows your car, you need to use a WhaleCar Calling Device to lure the car out of it's stomach.
Zchinque: The translation is only for my personal use, so there's no need to try to stick to the rhythm or other such artistic considerations - I just need a quick and rough translation.
It's not easy to translate:

[black dragon mixes a storm]
"...poor, dark cloud child,
you have wrapped yourself in storm,
in flimsy black garment,
banished yourself in neverending night.
The impenetrable second skin,
has created a frontier to the world... -
as egshell, tough as stone,
letting neighter light nor warmth in.

Icecold walls, wrong house,
no life hatches out,
no unborn grows inside,
only an angry old man
grieves forever...-
he fears even death.

"Poor sad cloud child
your mind chooses the worst course.
Your path of horror is deceiving,
brings nothing but pain and agony;
your fear conceives scenarios,
that never were and are not real.
The storm roars in you,
the evil old monster
beckoning from gloom
the nasty hissing shadow choir
who, like a cold sick breeze
rottenly collects inside your belly
and as a nasty wind of corpses
takes your good and beauty..."

"Oh poor dark cloud child"

The translation is very rough but the original text is very strange.
Post edited February 25, 2012 by mk47at
mozzington: Sopor Aeternus - Imhotep

[Black Dragon mixes a storm]

"... poor, dark child of the clouds,
didst enshroud thyself in storm again,
in thy threadbare garb of pitch,
(didst) banish thyself to eternal night.
The impenetrable second skin
has formed the boundary to the world ... -
as an egg-shell, hard as stone,
it prevents both light and heat from entering.

Icy cold walls, wrong house
no life slips out of thee,
no unborn (life) matures (within?),
just an angry old man (left)
grieving inside forever ... -
even afraid of death he is. "

"Poor, dark child of the clouds
thy mind always takes the worst course.
Thy path of horror (or dread) is deceptive,
brings nothing but pain and suffering for thee;
Thy fear invents scenarios,
that were never true, not real.
This terrible the storm rages inside thee,
this vile old beast
elicits from the darkness
the foul hissing choir of shadows,
which, like a cold, sick breath
rottenly accumulates in your belly,
and then as a loathsome wind of decay (literally: corpses)
takes good(ness) and beauty from thee ... "

"Oh, poor, dark child of the clouds"
Fixed that for you. Sorry for the shoddy translation and the artificial insertion of "thou", it seemed to fit and made things a little easier, but "you" would be just as fine.

Titanium: As far as I understand, it's about a guy telling a car to get out of his whale (?)

Is this some kind of surrealism?
Fenixp: Actually, it's a fairly common situation in Germany. When a whale swallows your car, you need to use a WhaleCar Calling Device to lure the car out of it's stomach.
Yeah, for that reason I don't have a car. It's just to dangerous here with all these whales around and Whale Car Calling Devices are expensive. We prefer to export our cars to other countries. ;)
Post edited February 25, 2012 by Leroux
Thanks mk47at and Leroux, you've both been a great help! :)
I hope you are all happy about yourself that you let an awesome pranking situation pass ...
SimonG: I hope you are all happy about yourself that you let an awesome pranking situation pass ...
All you germans can realistically muster is innuendos for the word "wurst" and "kurz". :P

hmm this sounded a lot funnier in my head. Eh, back to covering my head in shame.
Post edited February 25, 2012 by Titanium