So, after my beautiful assistant Miss selected me as a winner, then ne_zavarj, I asked her to be a little more careful. She said another number - and that number was...
-building tension-
-still building tension-
-it's nearly over-
... 8!
That means the lucky winner is Barefoot_Monkey! Congratulation for him (or her)! Sorry for everyone else, who did not win this time, if I get more key, I'll be back. I specially want to thank the posts of bazilisek, who wrote in sanskrit (even though not about his place in the Universe) and Skunk who filled the whole test in ten seconds flat (even though not in sanskrit).
I soon contact the winner, if he (or she, of course) does not write back in, lets say, 2 days, I re-draw the invite (so, you will have another chance to win. Maybe.).
Thanks for playing, and have a nice evening (morning/day)!