Drelmanes: I'm curious, what is the veredict, akwater?
It is up to you guys
#1 200$ amazon card, (5pts)
#2 75$ card (4pts)
#3 25$ card 3pts)
#4th and 5th Gog Game 2 and 1 point respectively
voting starts the 3rd, and by Monday 1st through 5th should be figured out.
(cant vote for yourself, it also would seem the Ivant has the most overall support for 1st.... however id like to ensure no one has hard feelings so i'd request people go through them all and say which one they think is the best and 2nd best 3rd 4th and 5th, that way i might be able to snag someone to add the votes for me just to reverify my numbers ;) )
Alpha do you have plans Monday? ;p