Posted February 13, 2012
I hope this will be an interesting gifting game for the community. The idea is you will be celebrating the release of your most wanted game by gifting that game to someone else. You will be spreading the word and love for that hidden gem of yours. This will also make Tuesdays and Thursdays more exciting.
The rules are simple:
1. Each participant will list her/his personal 5 most wanted games.
2. When a game from the personal wishlist is released on GOG, the participant will gift that game to one of the other participants.
3. To make the game more fair, every participant who gifted a game will BE GIFTED.
Example: X has System Shock in his wishlist. If System Shock is released, X will gift the game to Y. X will then have a priority and secure his name as one of the next giftees. If Z's most wanted game Grim Fandango is released, Z will have to gift Grim Fandango to either X or any of the other participants in the SAFE LIST, the list where people secured their names by having gifted a game. RULE: No other participants will be gifted a game as long as there is someone's name in the SAFE LIST.
1. Each participant must have at least one game from the publishers who is already on GOG.
2. Only 5.99 and 9.99 games will be applicable. You are not allowed to put Witcher 3 on your wishlist and you don't have to gift it if it is released at a price higher than 9.99.
3. There is no difference between 5.99 and 9.99 games. You might have to gift a 9.99 game and later on get a 5.99 game.
4. No wishlisting System Shock series as one game. You can wishlist System Shock and System Shock 2 separately.
5. Feel free to recommend changes to the rules.
The rules are simple:
1. Each participant will list her/his personal 5 most wanted games.
2. When a game from the personal wishlist is released on GOG, the participant will gift that game to one of the other participants.
3. To make the game more fair, every participant who gifted a game will BE GIFTED.
Example: X has System Shock in his wishlist. If System Shock is released, X will gift the game to Y. X will then have a priority and secure his name as one of the next giftees. If Z's most wanted game Grim Fandango is released, Z will have to gift Grim Fandango to either X or any of the other participants in the SAFE LIST, the list where people secured their names by having gifted a game. RULE: No other participants will be gifted a game as long as there is someone's name in the SAFE LIST.
1. Each participant must have at least one game from the publishers who is already on GOG.
2. Only 5.99 and 9.99 games will be applicable. You are not allowed to put Witcher 3 on your wishlist and you don't have to gift it if it is released at a price higher than 9.99.
3. There is no difference between 5.99 and 9.99 games. You might have to gift a 9.99 game and later on get a 5.99 game.
4. No wishlisting System Shock series as one game. You can wishlist System Shock and System Shock 2 separately.
5. Feel free to recommend changes to the rules.
Post edited February 13, 2012 by keremix