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I'd like to try out the tex murphy serie;

As far as P.I stories go, I find the Pink panther movies (Not the cartoons) quiet amusing :-)
Post edited May 29, 2012 by N0x0ss
I'm not joining, but thumbs up to you! The Tex Murphy series is great, a must play for everyone who enjoys adventure games and cheesy FMVs (these are good cheesy (in particular The Pandora Directive), not bad cheesy like many other FMV games)
I only ever played the first one, Mean Streets. I never got to finish it because it was my step-dads game and he uninstalled it when he saw that I got further into the story than he did. (He did the same thing with The 7th Guest, but I at least got to finish that one) I've been thinking about picking these up on my next buying spree, because I either go all out or not at all. Thats the Stevedog way.

All I can say is:
They're in my head! THEY'RE IN MY HEAD!!!
Not entering, but +1 for the extremely generous giveaway. :)
I think I could use the games to sway my wife into videogaming. :D
I already have Under a Killing Moon
anyway,I really enjoy film noir and Tex Murphy suits what I like,hell I'm even trying to write an noir chronicles books and Tex is one of my inspirations
I would enjoy these games because I thought I had the first two, but, apparently, I don't, which is surprising to me. Beyond that, I have never played these games before and I'm hoping to find another series to give me joy. I like going back to a lot of the older adventure games primarily because I enjoy the genre, but also because I was too young to play a lot of them when they were still new. On top of that, I also enjoy detective mysteries and noir settings.
Post edited May 29, 2012 by saldite
I do believe I shall be awarded the gift code for these Tex Murphy games. Why? Well, I've never played them. But I do have an interest in detective games. Noir style; clothes, lighting, the (usually bad) acting and accents.

Plus, I love supporting GOG and the users! You guys are swell with these giveaways and contests! :)
I'm going to be honest. I've never played Tex Murphy. I've never seen gameplay of Tex Murphy. Before GOG, I had never heard of Tex Murphy. But I'm really curious about it. Because I've never seen any video or play of the games, I'm completely unspoiled to the plot, solutions, methods, so on, and I don't have a way to pay for any games at the moment now that I've discovered I may not be able to go back to college in the fall. If I'm chosen, I thank you greatly. If not, oh well, I'll find another contest or figure out something else.
I should get them because I'm not shouting!

Thanks for the giveaway! :)
This is one of those things I would buy as of right now if I had any money left, but due to a Convention I went to this weekend my money has been drained. The reason i want these games is because I've heard nothing but praise for the Tex Murphy games and would like to own these.

Being a huge fan of adventure games I would like to add these to my ever expanding shelf of adventure games. I love most adventure games and think that these would make a fine set to add. As for stories about being a PI all I could say is that I remember watching Ol' Inch High PI.
I'm entering and hope to win because I haven't played any of the games but always wanted to be a detective when I was growing up!
Despite a prodigous & eclectic gaming history, this series has so far eluded me. This must be put right.

I've never been a real private eye, but I have been known to engage in the odd stake out (or stalking, if you prefer).
As a teenager, I remember a particular Valentines day, getting up at 3:30 am, stopping by the local all night petrol station to grab a bunch of Roses, walking 14 miles to my girlfriends house, standing the flowers in the box they used for the milk delivery & loitering outside until she opened the door to get the milk.
I thought it was a lovely gesture.
Unfortunately, her mum (who actually opened the door) disagreed, labeled me "That freaky kid" and banned me from ever seeing her again.
The walk home that morning seemed 3 times as long as the walk there.
I later found out that my (ex) girl never saw the flowers & assumed I hadn't bothered to do anything for Valentines.
I spent the next month walking that route in the middle of the night, climbing the drainpipe & taping soppy cards filled with dreadful poetry to her bedroom window.
All to no avail :(
Thanks for the giveaway!! I love adventure games and am starting to purchase some of the point and click adventures. These games are on my wish list. I got a Tex Murphy game in a bundle once but it turned out to be on floppy discs!!! Good luck to all!
As a little kid, I played, but never finished, the Tex Murphy games. This was before the internet was ubiquitous and online walkthroughs the norm, so I remember getting stuck on a puzzle or dying frequently, getting frustrated, and stopping. When I wanted to pick them back up, the CDs might've been scratched or something and I moved onto the next thing. Now as an adult I look back fondly on going around the neighborhood picking up items, combining them, and solving the mysteries, and I think I'm probably better able to actually beat the games now.

Thanks for the chance!