Despite a prodigous & eclectic gaming history, this series has so far eluded me. This must be put right.
I've never been a real private eye, but I have been known to engage in the odd stake out (or stalking, if you prefer).
As a teenager, I remember a particular Valentines day, getting up at 3:30 am, stopping by the local all night petrol station to grab a bunch of Roses, walking 14 miles to my girlfriends house, standing the flowers in the box they used for the milk delivery & loitering outside until she opened the door to get the milk.
I thought it was a lovely gesture.
Unfortunately, her mum (who actually opened the door) disagreed, labeled me "That freaky kid" and banned me from ever seeing her again.
The walk home that morning seemed 3 times as long as the walk there.
I later found out that my (ex) girl never saw the flowers & assumed I hadn't bothered to do anything for Valentines.
I spent the next month walking that route in the middle of the night, climbing the drainpipe & taping soppy cards filled with dreadful poetry to her bedroom window.
All to no avail :(