It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

We know you're busy people, but would you like to contribute to an even better GOG? How about taking 5 minutes of your time to make the GOG experience an outstanding one?

Our main goal when designing was to create the best user experience in digital distribution ever. Many say we're doing it right, but we want to get even better, that's why we're launching a survey that will help us lead GOG in the way you'd like it to go. Taking part in it isn't required of course, but if you want to have your share in making GOG the best digital distribution service there is (or at least even better than it is right now) and maybe win a free game, devote few minutes of your time to answer couple questions we've prepared. From all users who will take part in the survey, we'll randomly choose 20 who will receive a free GOG game of their choice. Grab a pencil... er, a keyboards in your hands and answer the below questions for a better future for all of us :)

The survey ends on Thursday, October 27 at 11:59 p.m. EDT.
retronewbie: It's not working for me, I press the "Next" button and nothing happens :(
TheEnigmaticT: It looks like a number of people with various ad-blocking extensions are having problems. I'd recommend either using a browser without an ad-blocker installed (I don't know about you, but I've never bothered to tart up my install of IE because I never use it for anything), or allowing and domains. That *should* fix it.
I use Chrome for this purpose myself ( and Firefox for normal browsing)
Aliasalpha: Personally I'd never even think of buying COD Modern Warfare 3 even if it was on GOG but would I like to see it happen? Would I like to see a AAA release being sold on day one, DRM free for a fair worldwide price by a company that seems to at least vaguely give a shit about their customers?

The answer is fuck yes because even if the game is something I detest, that would be a magnificent achievement for GOG and an astonishing step back towards sanity for an industry that seems intent on shoving its head up its own arse and charging their customers for the service.
This. Although, personally, I would buy whatever new games end up here (even if it is MW3) as a vote of support. Heck, I bought the Witcher 2 on day 1 and I still haven't installed it. :p
I hope the staff gets some good, specific feedback from this survey. This is one of my favorite internet sites of all time, topped only by the likes of, which is only available now through the WayBackMachine.

Also, if you add Harvester to the games list, I will build a church to GOG and adopt some kids to send there as sacrifices to my new god.
I'm surprised there wasn't a field for 'game you're hoping to see on GoG most' or somesuch. I so wanted to make a plug for Quest for Glory 1-5 :)
You know that box where you asked us to say anything else we could think of that would improve GOG? I took the time to type out a long answer explaining how I would love to see more DRM free releases of newish games come to the site, even if it meant a higher price point. Then I hit next, and realized I had just wasted two or three minutes of my life. I'm just hopeful that my accidental redundancy will help to drive the point home.
just stay DRM free GoG. That's all I ask.
I put a lot of extra stuff in the "other" fields. I hope this isn't too much of an inconvenience but I really wanted to express my opinions on what GOG needs (mostly more games, even obscure titles). I want a HUGE game library. Keep them coming!

I know I may not be one the best supporters, since I mostly just buy games when they are on sale, but the sales and DRM free are the 2 biggest reasons I like GOG so much. =]

I own around 100 titles, but 90% of them I have purchased at 50% to 75% off. Only my first few purchases were made at either full price or a lesser discount (30%?) because I was bored and needed something to play. x]

But initially it was the free games that drew me in. And the fact you guys had the Fallout titles. =D

One of the biggest reasons I love your games is because I need to liquidate my gaming library. So much easier and portable to own every game online and on a portable HD.
Post edited October 12, 2011 by PaladinHeart
jaydog_1: Please give us a wanted list. I have a gog wanted list on my list of things that I want...I am so selfish.
Nightrnr: We already have a wanted list don't we?

I do wish we could know what stands a decent chance of getting a GOG release though.
Wow, I thought they got rid of this when they updated their site. Thank you so much my friend for bring this to my attention. Also, I agree with you. It would be nice to know if our wanted games actually had a chance to come to the site, or if we are all just dreaming.
Finished the survey, thankyou for reaching out to the community, I hope fellow members will join me in filling this out. LONG LIVE GOG!!!!
Newer DRM free games are always welcomed. I always knew that GOG would eventually need to sell newer games at some point if they want to expand. How many more good old games are out there that isn't on GOG's catalogue already?
All I really care about on GOG is old games which run (for the most part) on recent hardware/operating systems

I'm happy to pay 5-6 usd a pop for those old titles knowing I don't have to deal with the mundane task of locating the old cd/key, then patching the thing up, then manually fixing it to run on my OS, etc etc

Keep up what you are doing... once in a while I guess a "new" title is Ok like if its a sequel of a game GOG already sells but like.. new releases aren't why people come here its the retro games baby!

Part of me thinks if you managed to pull off a working final fantasy 7 release for the PC you'd raise some eyebrows (given the box sells for about £100 online these days)
Post edited October 13, 2011 by nobody316
GoG can & should get newer games here as long as:

-everything remains DRM-Free as usual, including the newer titles
-nothing changes regarding the older games
-they don't stop pursuing the good games of old

With all that, sure, bring on the new games. It's nice to know that the IP owners of newer titles are also hip to the DRM-Free charge that GoG is leading.
I'm less fussed about newer titles (as they probably wouldn't run on my machine anyway) but I agree with posters above that it's fine so long as gog keep doing what they're doing best - DRM-free games that work. And if it helps gog to grow then so much the better.
I wouldn't mind paying FULL RETAIL for a more recent game, so long as it has NO DRM. That's the only thing that's kept me away from a great deal of new games.

I am not a pirate. I will never be a pirate. I will not deal with a company that assumes I must be a pirate.

GOG does NOT do this. Amongst so many reasons, that is why GOG is awesome, and I am thrilled to deal with them. Thanx, guys.
Aliasalpha: Personally I'd never even think of buying COD Modern Warfare 3 even if it was on GOG but would I like to see it happen? Would I like to see a AAA release being sold on day one, DRM free for a fair worldwide price by a company that seems to at least vaguely give a shit about their customers?

The answer is fuck yes because even if the game is something I detest, that would be a magnificent achievement for GOG and an astonishing step back towards sanity for an industry that seems intent on shoving its head up its own arse and charging their customers for the service.
Darling_Jimmy: This. Although, personally, I would buy whatever new games end up here (even if it is MW3) as a vote of support. Heck, I bought the Witcher 2 on day 1 and I still haven't installed it. :p
I would buy them too, at first, if it became standard I'd go back to just buying the ones I wanted. Would I have preferred a GOG version of some of my XBox 360 games? Hell yeah!