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As our catalog gets bigger and better every week, it’s easy to lose track of some of the awesome games that we have to offer. Of course Fallout, Baldur’s Gate, and some other of our most popular titles will always get a lot of attention, but GOG has many more classics to bring you. To help encourage you to explore the dustier reaches of GOG’s catalog, we’re going to be offering a promo on the first and third Wednesday of every month. Think of it as a curated promo on some of GOG’s favorite titles that you may not have played. Whether we’re encouraging you to explore incredible new worlds or inviting you to see how a titanic series got its start, we think every game we’re going to be offering on our GOG Gem Promos will be an excellent title, and we hope you give them all a try.

So it's official: Duke Nukem Forever has been released! And at we're highlighting one of the older Duke games - Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project. The game goes back to the side-scrolling platformer roots of the most awesome action games hero, but this time with a 3D engine. The "complex" plot includes mad scientist taking over the world - starting with New York City, hordes of mutant monsters and of course chicks to be saved. DNMP features everything what you could expect from a Duke Nukem game - loads of shooting and killing, fast-paced action and the famous one-liners. Just today we're offering you a 60% discount on this title!

So don't wait and grab Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project today for only $2.39! The promo ends tomorrow, June 16 at 5:59 a.m. EDT (9:59 a.m. GMT).
Thanks to makr3la I have had the oppurtunity to now play this game, and I got to say I like it a lot, and he is great for helping me have the oppurtuinity to play it. Thank you dude! =)
If you have the money and haven't gotten this cheap and fun gem yet, I'd say what are you waiting for, give it a go! :D
Eh, I didn't really like this game much at all. Then again, I don't really give a damn about Duke Nukem much at all aside from Duke Nukem 3D, though the original two games were pretty good.

For $2.40, though, you may as well give it a try for yourself. It's no Duke Nukem 3D, it ranks very low on my list or platformers and run n' gun games, but if you've played DN3D to death it at least serves as a reasonable diversion.
Damn it, how come there weren't any emails sent out about this? I would have loved to buy it, but didn't know about the deal until after it's too late. Thanks GOG. >:-(
vDub: Damn it, how come there weren't any emails sent out about this? I would have loved to buy it, but didn't know about the deal until after it's too late. Thanks GOG. >:-(
They don't send e-mails about one day promos, ever, on purpose, so that you have at least this as an incentive to regularly check out the site (or its social networking channels).
For further reference, one day promos usually occur on every 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month, with this one being an exception (due to the EA announcement, it was the 2nd and 3rd Wednesday), so you should check the site for gem promos on those days.
vDub: Damn it, how come there weren't any emails sent out about this? I would have loved to buy it, but didn't know about the deal until after it's too late. Thanks GOG. >:-(
DrIstvaan: They don't send e-mails about one day promos, ever, on purpose, so that you have at least this as an incentive to regularly check out the site (or its social networking channels).
For further reference, one day promos usually occur on every 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month, with this one being an exception (due to the EA announcement, it was the 2nd and 3rd Wednesday), so you should check the site for gem promos on those days.
Why bother having the option to have emails about promos and other stuff sent to you if they're not going to promote every promo? Lost sales there as I usually check the website when I get the promo emails, otherwise I have no reason to visit except to buy a game off my wishlist.
vDub: Why bother having the option to have emails about promos and other stuff sent to you if they're not going to promote every promo? Lost sales there as I usually check the website when I get the promo emails, otherwise I have no reason to visit except to buy a game off my wishlist.
One option for you might be to subscribe to an RSS to email service, so you'll get an email for every post on the front page. It feels odd to recommend a yahoo product, but at least seems to send email relatively quickly (within a few hours) of the post going up.
V_Racer: Manhattan Project is one of my favourite 2.5D platformers, and this promo is a steal.

On a side note, Duke Nukem Forever turned out to be a fun game that, unfortunately, can't hide the fact that it's a terrible mess. You may want to grab DNMP with Duke Nukem 3D for mere 8.38$, instead of buying a 60$ game that you propably won't enjoy, esp. if you are not a Duke fan.
Mine too. I had doubts initially but it's really quite good. Very satisfying as a Duke game. The only problem with the game is the camera angles that are sometimes quite awkward.