My word, but this has started up a firestorm. Sorry, OP. Welcome to the fora, by the way.
Look, in all honesty, I probably would not have moderated that thread because the words I would rather not see in topics are the "Seven Words You Can't Say On TV." (thanks, George Carlin). And hey, look: we have someone new at the company who's in the fora a lot, and there will indubitably be a few mistakes while he's learning the ropes here.
My point remains: I think by changing the thread title and politely asking the OP to refrain from using profanity in the topic, we're changing nothing substantive (is a difference that makes no difference a difference?), while still indicating to the OP and those who read the post that it is our preference that they please refrain from doing that again.
It is no more censorship than if you were at a party and the host asked you to please refrain from talking about orangutans. Can you? Yes, of course. The host doesn't have groupthink control of your brain. However, he's made a preference known, so you are at least aware before you speak that--perhaps--he has a deep and abiding phobia for primates of the subfamily Ponginae.