bowlingotter: You know when you want to play something, but you sit there for a while wondering what game you're gonna invest your free time in?
TF2 is one of the very few games that's always on the list. Awesome setup with the alltalk/teamtalk OP.
Aatami: Yeah, when it comes to deciding which games i'll play in my spare time, TF2 is always at the top of the queue.
Also, Line.
Line sappin' mah server!!
Yeah, the server's going through some connectivity problems right now, folks. We're on at the host trying to get them to explain what's going on. I mean, we just paid them $250 in advance. We're like their star customers right now.
At the moment, huge lag spikes (to the point where movement is impossible) are occuring frequently and last for several minutes at a time. To end them efficiently, we need to restart the server which is hard to do since the admin panel is messing up. The only other way is to rcon and change the map, which often fails.