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Hey, I just thought that we don't really have many JRPGS on Granted, there weren't that many of them on the PC in the first place but still, it would be nice to play some of them. It's been years since I played Grandia II on my Dreamcasst and I've been itching to play it again for quite some time. Unfortunately, my Dreamcast sorta exploded so I thought it would be nice to play the PC port. Alas, I can't find it on GOG nor on Steam.

What do you guys think? Is there any other JRPG you would instantly buy for a reasonable price? And by reasonable I mean up to 20$. Would it make any sense to put more JRPGs on GOG?
Post edited May 30, 2013 by Lord_Blazey
I also miss jrpgs. Nowadays we just get indie games that look like those but are half-assed makings in another genre. =)
This very thought crossed my mind a few months ago and Grandia II is definitely one of my favorites. I don't think there's a lot of JRPGs on PC. I personally own the boxed copies of Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII, Grandia II and Breath of Fire IV. You can purchase the Ys games like Ys I & II Chronicle+, Ys Oath in Felghana and Ys Origin on Steam fortunately. As for Grandia II I bought my copy from someone on eBay.
Post edited May 30, 2013 by chronox12
I think it would be reasonably possible to get Falcom to release their games here too, if people made the demand known.

Maybe someone should ask Tom at XSEED to see Falcom's position on releasing this site.
I was trying to think of the name of this great game the other day (I have it on PS2), so have some rep for triggering my memory :)

I dont think I ever played a JRPG on PC, so I dont know if the controls would suck.

Have you tried Anachronox or Septerra Core both here on GOG.
I love JRPGs. I've been hoarding a load of them on the PS1-3 because I know that they get ridiculously expensive with time, and I find it a shame that the PC doesn't get more of them. We've had some of the Ys games (which are unfortunately only available on Steam for some bizarre reason), Grandia 2, Final Fantasy 7 and 8, The Last Remnant, Breath of Fire 4...and that's it.

Personally I find it'd make sense to at least release Breath of Fire 1-3 and Dragon Quarter, Grandia 1 and 3, and the remaining Final Fantasies (seeing as all of them have seen remakes in the meantime).

I found that Carpe Fulgur got off to a good start and then suddenly disappeared. It was reported they were working on something very big, but since the Carpe Fulgur site hasn't been updated in an age and Andrew Dice mainly uses his Twitter feed for personal tweets nowadays, I'll remain sceptical. Although I did laugh at this tweet recently.
mrcrispy83: I think it would be reasonably possible to get Falcom to release their games here too, if people made the demand known.

Maybe someone should ask Tom at XSEED to see Falcom's position on releasing this site.
I think someone already did, and if I recall correctly, Tom reported that it was out of XSEED's hands, that Falcom was insistent on releasing only on Steam, and that he had absolutely no idea why.
Post edited May 30, 2013 by jamyskis
Lord_Blazey: snip
dont forget to vote for Grandia II on GOG

that email campaign to XSeed might be good as well ^_^

would love to see XSeed / Falcom pop up on GOG
ErekoseDM: would love to see XSeed / Falcom pop up on GOG
So would I. I have most of the Ys games on the PSP already, which means I don't really need to buy them on Steam. I did pick up Origins on Steam for something silly like €4 as it was the only one I couldn't get without online activation elsewhere, but I'd certainly pay full price for them on GOG.
I think that there are a lack of JRPG's on the PC in general. Which is a shame. But this may just be a symptom of the PC being the traditional home of the Western RPG.

Perhaps the JRPG Genre is the last great genre that the PC has to conquer. There is quite a back-catalogue.

I confess, I only really keep my consoles going in order to play the odd JRPG these days.

The Ys series is very well represented on the PC with 5 or 6 games. The 'remade' Ys I and II is a port of the PSP game.

Beyond that, 'Secret of Mana' was ported-remade, for iOS. (Which is close).

Tales of Vesperia is crying out for a PC Port, I would think.
ErekoseDM: dont forget to vote for Grandia II on GOG
...and Breath of Fire IV.
The Last Remnant is also another JRPG which is available on Steam even though I can't for the life of me understand the battle system in that game.
jamyskis: So would I. I have most of the Ys games on the PSP already, which means I don't really need to buy them on Steam. I did pick up Origins on Steam for something silly like €4 as it was the only one I couldn't get without online activation elsewhere, but I'd certainly pay full price for them on GOG.
im camping on Ys: The Oath in Felghana for steam to go on sale.
they mentioned it wasnt for the DRM that they are steam centric (though their files want to take a dump if you dont launch with steam, so that doesnt necessarily mesh) in the discussions on one of the first 2 games.
hopefully i dont have to start stroll-a-ba-tolling for some no-steam cracked exes or something for the YS games.
im sure once i do, itll be on the front page as available on GOG.

i snagged the others on some decent discounts. my psp hasnt been seeing too much use after i beat the earlier final fantasies, ive delved back into PC gaming + a wireless ps2 controllers (comboed with xpadder)

ErekoseDM: dont forget to vote for Grandia II on GOG
Piranjade: ...and Breath of Fire IV.
had no clue BoF4 was on PC!
still have my ps disc ready for a spin.

did dragon quarter make it to PC as well?

ive totally missed out on the great jRPGs/RPGs of the ps3 im probably going to be POed when i finally try to go buying the games and being unable to locate em without some insaine markup rates.
Wasn't the PC port of Grandia II really bad? I've considered getting it in the past, but I heard it crashes like crazy. I usually just play my own rip of the Dreamcast game on nullDC.

Other than that, yeah, I'd probably get quite a few PC JRPGs. I'm a fan of Falcom's games, so if XSEED get a few more here in the states, I'd easily be all over them. Final Fantasies, too. I already have Last Remnant on Steam, but I'd nab a GOG version. Yeah, I have emulation for a lot of games, but I prefer native PC ports.

Neverend and Gooka had some JRPG influence.
Piranjade: ...and Breath of Fire IV.
ErekoseDM: had no clue BoF4 was on PC!
still have my ps disc ready for a spin.

did dragon quarter make it to PC as well?
Dragon Quarter was not released for PC, it was PS2 only.

I got an original Breath of Fire IV for PC and it runs under Windows 7 without any problems so far. So if you can get your hands on one you might also be able to play it right away.