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Saw it tonight. The visuals were out of this world :). If you're going to see it, make sure its IMAX 3D. Can't imagine it would have the same effect on 2D as the story isn't strong enough to keep you entertained for the full 90 minutes.
I thought the movie was spectacular and very immersive. I'm usually one to nitpick at every little tiny snafu in movie, but this one really absorbed me. I knew the physics were way out of whack, but at the same time, I was impressed at how well some of the zero g movements were presented. If you think about it, it is very difficult to simulate zero g realistically without going full blown CGI (though I'll admit, I openly wondered whether Sandra's legs were CGI. I find it hard to believe she's nearly 50. Wow!!). I thought what they got right, particularly the movement within the space station, looked awfully nice.

Like some others have said, it really just had me holding my breath and gripping the arm rests, which just doesn't happen to me normally. The part where Sandra was spinning head over heels backwards into open space just took my breath away. My mind was telling me that she had to be rescued because the plot demanded it, but another part of my mind was imagining the horror of flying out into open space, out of control, spinning with no way to stop.

The IMAX 3D really made the movie. With my entire field of vision filled, it completely drew me in.
Post edited October 15, 2013 by yyahoo
Yah, I totally agree with what everyone here has said. Fantastic movie. The special effects were better than Avatar and uptil now, that was the best 3d movie I had seen by far.
Very immersive and if you allowed yourself, you felt the fear of the characters. Or character I guess. Clooney was holding it together. But they did a great job of showing how alone she really was in space. They kinda went overboard in showing how many close calls she ended up having throughout but can't nitpick that too much as it was suspenseful and each one was of course visually amazing. I'm sure I blinked a few times but this was the kind of movie you didn't want to miss a second of.
Go see it!
Gravity 3D Bluray will be released in January 2014... can't wait!
26/02 is the day Gravity 3D Blu-ray is realeased in the Czech Republic :D I know the most "massive" experience the movie can offer is IMAX 3D cinema but still, everytime when I watch the "Detached" trailer I get goosebumps so I've preordered the collectors edition and soon, soon I'll watch the movie again!
12 years a slave was for me one the best movies of this decade, probably one the best cinematography. But then again I love all Steve McQueen movies.
Zurvan7: 12 years a slave was for me one the best movies of this decade, probably one the best cinematography. But then again I love all Steve McQueen movies.
He died over 30 years ago. But yes he had a lot of good movies. As long as he doesn't eat anyone, I am fine letting the Zombie McQueen direct movies.
Post edited February 03, 2014 by jjsimp
tinyE: 2) NASA is VERY anal about job assignment; a doctor WOULD NOT be doing manual labor on the Hubbell.
Wait... That's not right. There have been 5 service missions to Hubble, with 16 (I think) different astronauts performing EVAs on those missions. A quick lookup of those astronauts showed that over half of them were doctors.
Unless you mean medical doctors, in which case, there was still one who did an EVA to service Hubble (Story Musgrave.)

/end geeky space nerd reply.
Zurvan7: 12 years a slave was for me one the best movies of this decade, probably one the best cinematography. But then again I love all Steve McQueen movies.
jjsimp: He died over 30 years ago. But yes he had a lot of good movies. As long as he doesn't eat anyone, I am fine letting the Zombie McQueen direct movies.
Haha you are trolling right? xD
I really don't get the praise this movie gets for directing or being nominated for best movie. It's a step up in terms of visual effects and 3D and should win the oscar in that department but anything else wasn't all that amazing. Acting was good, but nothing special, story was basic. Really I had a lot of fun seeing this movie but i can name 10 movies out of my head that deserve oscarnominations that gravity didn't deserve...
xxxIndyxxx: I really don't get the praise this movie gets for directing or being nominated for best movie. It's a step up in terms of visual effects and 3D and should win the oscar in that department but anything else wasn't all that amazing. Acting was good, but nothing special, story was basic. Really I had a lot of fun seeing this movie but i can name 10 movies out of my head that deserve oscarnominations that gravity didn't deserve...
I think it was more to do with who the actors were, than the films content. George Clooney and Sandra Bullock both Hollywood do no wrong actors.
tinyE: 2) NASA is VERY anal about job assignment; a doctor WOULD NOT be doing manual labor on the Hubbell.
AdamR: Wait... That's not right. There have been 5 service missions to Hubble, with 16 (I think) different astronauts performing EVAs on those missions. A quick lookup of those astronauts showed that over half of them were doctors.
Unless you mean medical doctors, in which case, there was still one who did an EVA to service Hubble (Story Musgrave.)

/end geeky space nerd reply.
Serves me right for listening to what a fucking film critic has to say about NASA protocol. :P
My opinion:
I really like the visuals, the scenes, and the suspense.
The first half was really good, the second half the dialogue and hallucination scenes ruin it for me.
She would of been trained more before she was even allowed on the shuttle, NASA is very strict.
How the heck does she not know what oxygen deprivation is? She a doctor right?
Absolutely loved the movie.

If you haven't seen it I would recommend that you approach the movie as a science-fantasy rather than a technically accurate depiction of space science.

I kinda felt that the movie was making some grand but simple statement about humanity (love, life and family) and humanities' inhabitation of the little blue planet - Earth.
Post edited February 03, 2014 by Starchild771