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IGN jist started a new "serie" concernign the greatest gratest gaming moments. THought it would be fun to see the opinions of the varied ages and preferences of the GOG:s Do u have any special memories? Something that really shocked u, moved u or just made u cry of laughter? Just throw out every spoiler you have on your mind!
"I am Shodan", of course, needs to be on the list.
First entering Xen in Halflife 1, also
The gym teacher in the locker from Condemned.

Those are a few off the top of my head. I'll think of more.
Most of Planescape: Torment. No, no, scratch that- All of Planescape: Torment.
When you first got the Gravity Gun in Halflife 2
When you discover the truth about the Cake

Also the end of Shadow of the Colossus
yeah shadow of collosus has a great ending, the japaneese excel att these things. there is one scene in MGS 4 where raiden and snake is talking about life and its value. its so amn sad, raiden lying woudned ferom inumerable wounds leeking white oil as he is more man ahan machine and snake being a clone on his last days of life. poor people! only time a game has forced a tear from my eye. Oh, and that scene in lost odyssey when kaims daughter dies and he, immortal as he is can do nothing but watch... buhu..
Ultima 7 Blackgate many many years ago...

Killing the banker chick in in Britania by placing a barrel of gun powder in her house and lighting it,, this way you don't draw attention from city guards, stealing the key for the vaults from her corpse,then robbing Britania's bank of gold ingots.

Now the only person that can change gold ingots in the game is the banker chick, so you then have to res her again with a spell and trade the gold on the next business day like nothing happened...

This and watching my horse slay a dragon in Skyrim,after it charged and killed two local treasure hunters that were in the area.
Post edited December 07, 2011 by Blackrain
What changes the nature of man?

Post edited December 07, 2011 by SimonG
AlKim: Most of Planescape: Torment. No, no, scratch that- All of Planescape: Torment.
...Except when you get Boney back from that guy who nicks him sans all of his equipment! I hate that part - my own fault for not installing 'Unfinished Business' - I believe it's fixed in there?

Russian Roulette in Killer 7
Every single second of me playing Starcraft 2's campaign, on Brutal difficulty, on my first play-through.
I'll go with PS:T too. But you know what stood out for me in particular? That "longing" piece, if you're a Sensate at the right time to access it. The kind of emotion that can transmit... Probably the best piece of writing in a game.

Otherwise, let me see... [generic spoiler warning]
- The whole... atmosphere of VtM: Bloodlines. Hard to pinpoint a moment, but it just screams at you from start to end that there is a masterpiece of gaming somewhere there under all the bugs and lack of polish. And while I'm at it, waking up in modern times in VtM: Redemption.
- Some of the talks with Jolee in (the first) KotOR. People keep liking those with HK-47 because they're funny, but Jolee's deep and makes a lot of sense when he wants to. I'll go for that anyday.
- Sorry, but I probably need to add Aeris being killed, but also Cloud remembering the truth about himself, from FF7. And while I'm at it, the end of FF8, how it makes you assume that Squall died till the very last shot of a chain of scenes and movies lasting some 25 min.
- With some reservations, but have to include most of Kerrigan's story line in the StarCraft universe. Particularly her interactions with Raynor.
- Meeting Nasrudin in Arcanum, plus the ensuing talk with him and the interesting parallels to certain current religions.
- The truth about the "terrorists" in Deus Ex. Also talking to the AI at the end. (Not necessarily great in themselves, but as part of that game, which is great overall.)
- The final scenario in Homeworld 2, that insane fight in several places at once with quite literally the fate of a world in your hands. May not be a popular choice, but I liked it.

And under great in a funny way:
- Having Democratus join you in Anachronox.
- Most of the 2005 The Bard's Tale.

What I can remember now, from what games I happened to play...

EDIT: Added that PS:T piece I was referring to.
longing.jpg (490 Kb)
Post edited December 07, 2011 by Cavalary
Cavalary: - With some reservations, but have to include most of Kerrigan's story line in the StarCraft universe. Particularly her interactions with Raynor.
Yeah, Kerrigan's metamorphosis would be up there. Pity they rehashed it in WC3/TFT.

- The truth about the "terrorists" in Deus Ex.
I literally fell out of my chair when, after fighting my way out of the MJ12 facility, I turned around and realized where I was. WTF.

I'd also put up there the epic end battle at the close of Marathon 2: Durandal, and the final confrontation between King Alric and Balor at the end of Myth: The Fallen Lords.

Ahh, Myth. Such an underrated classic. Does anyone else remember that game?
Post edited December 07, 2011 by rampancy

Exiting the Vortex Rikers/entering Nyleve's Falls for the first few times, approaching the Sunspire, approaching the Queen's chamber inside the mothership etc.

Jane's F-15:

The demo mission compelled me quite a bit with everything that is going on.
Post edited December 07, 2011 by Primate
The ending of Portal 1 was a joy to behold.

That old adage of 'always end on a song' worked so well..