Antimateria: Nay. I think this question is witchers work. I think the who playes the game is the answer. I don't know how to say english but kompakysymys. The answer is ME.
now that settled.. desire demon was a bit temting in dragon age:origins but If I can get some with wolf pelt in witcher why I am not in the woods? Ach, those terrible vampires.. by the way, are you horny.. Still speaking vampires.. you pervert in the back.
lukaszthegreat: ...
i'm confused at what you are trying to say
Why wouldn't you. There was a finnis word in somewhere. But if man can be many things and still cannot pintoint that what he is. It's the player itself (who plays many games as in takes the roles of others). The other one alas the lower one meant if witcher ploughs so many women in W1 and he is just trying to help. If there isn't any oren why should he be better than the guards in the beginning of W2. And that was sweet. There was a good deed, they stay alive and I'll take their money. It's witcher for me. =)
Antimateria: I read just the first page.
Miaghstir: You do realise that whoever makes the right guess, then must pose a new challenge - and this has been done twice now (the first character was Lance Boyle [by the OP, Magnitus], the second Minsc [by KOCollins, correctly guessing Lance], the third is underway [by shadesofdeath320, who realised the second was Minsc, though the name escaped them]).
I get it. Fun game here. But seems that it would have to be a hard one. =) I perhaps went a bit philosofical with my answer but it was a good answer.
Edit: And glad to hear some rules. =P