mct601: I live in Mississippi, I own several guns: Norinco MAK-90 (AK-47), Smith & Wesson M&P15 (AR15), Mosin Nagant 91/30, Marlin 336 .30-30, two Springfield XD pistols (.40 and XDM9), FN Fiveseven pistol, along with a 12ga and .25acp. This list will grow over the next 12 months.
I am an NRA member. And, OMG! I hate Rush Limbaugh and have no intention of killing anyone. You guys stereotype way too much. Just because people donate a few dollars a year to the NRA doesn't automatically make them a right wing nutjob.
There is nothing wrong with owning guns. As you can see, I like my military style guns. They're not for protection (well the XD40 and 12ga are), but simple recreation and collection. I hardly get to shoot my guns, I just like owning them. I don't agree that guns and crime correlate at all, but I don't want to live in a world where if my door gets knocked in that I can't reach to my nightstand and protect my family. I live in an area where the few times I've called 911, the sheriffs dept have taken on average 45 minutes to arrive. ALOT can happen in that time frame.
To the person who laughed at the idea of shooting deer with an AR15... maybe not deer, but an AR is a perfect ranch/varmint type rifle. People around here use ARs and AKs for hogs, coyotes, etc.
and as far as the UN taking guns, first off thats a death sentence for the career of any politician who ratifies a treaty to take our guns. only the extreme left would like the idea of the UN having direct control over our citizens. secondly, its not over SMALL ARMS OWNED BY CITIZENS! its propaganda you're hearing. its over firepower such as tanks and whatnot. not your little brothers .22LR.

tb87670: Dude I seriously gotta hook up with you, my brother has a 6.8 AR upper that does wonders on deer, coyotes, hogs, and chicken hawks here in Missouri. If I buy a lower I get the .223 upper. I got a Remington 870 mag express with a tactical retractable stock and extended mag, my brother has a pair of XD's (service .45acp and a compact .40S&W with extended clips to fit our hands) and we got a Ruger MkII .22 pistol for general purpose carry for trapping or working on the farm in general.
I want to konw, how's the FN 5-7? Man that gun had my attention when it was new with the P90. Are those 5.7 bullets accurate? How hard do they hit compared to a .22LR or .40S&W?
EDIT: Forgot to mention average police arrival times in my area is beyond 15 minutes. 15 minutes in a home alone with a bad guy and me not having a gun is a dangerous situation, whereas I have a shotgun they may arrive with him either gone or dead. I'd rather that happen than wait 15 minutes and police find me and my family dead.
People in the city just don't understand the police situation in many "rural" areas. I use quotation marks because my area isn't exactly densely populated but isn't a city. Our area has its fair share of crime and quite frankly the police force is subpar. We don't have the luxury of having a large police with officers on every couple of blocks. there's alot of ground to be covered in these areas.
the Fiveseven is a nifty little gun, I like it. Its NOT what I would recommend for CCW or personal defense (I prefer fatter bullets, and hollowpoints) but man it is accurate, its got rifle-like range, and its got quite a punch. Its sole purpose is penetration, the bullet doesnt cause much cavitation especially compared to .40S&W, .45acp, etc. its fun though.
grow over the next 12 months.
mct601: I live in Mississippi, I own several guns: Norinco MAK-90 (AK-47), Smith & Wesson M&P15 (AR15), Mosin Nagant 91/30, Marlin 336 .30-30, two Springfield XD pistols (.40 and XDM9), FN Fiveseven pistol, along with a 12ga and .25acp. This list will grow over the next 12 months.
To the person who laughed at the idea of shooting deer with an AR15... maybe not deer, but an AR is a perfect ranch/varmint type rifle. People around here use ARs and AKs for hogs, coyotes, etc.
Krypsyn: I got a Springfield XDM 9mm about a year ago for target practice, since all larger rounds were getting so darn expensive. It is a niiice gun, I think.
Also, I was the guy that mentioned an AR-15 for shooting deer. I didn't laugh at that, I laugh at using it as a home defense weapon (I would rather a shotgun for that, if I were going for a longer barrel type weapon). I don't wean to say one CAN'T use an AR-15 for hunting deer, I just don't know why one would. I would rather use a regular hunting rifle, than a gun I have invested $5k+ into with scopes, stocks, and the like. Now, for other varmint, ones that fight back? Yeah, sure, I'd go with the assault rifle. ;)
I LOVE my XDM9, I bought mine for the same reason. ammo is cheap in comparison to the larger calibers. its a good gun, definitely don't regret spending the cash for it.
and yes, the AR-15 is a horrible home defense. it will over penetrate and threaten anything in the surrounding area whether it be your family or your neighbors. my choice would definitely be a shotgun. and people prefer different guns to hunt with, in places where the deer are smaller- a .223 can get the job done. here in MS with our whitetail, it doesn't work.