I am
not in. TBH it would just be any game for me; I don't know it, except the title, and others here wrote they have it on their wishlist - so I don't wanna stay in way :)
But I wanna share a bit time with you all, because this (double!) give away of the honourable "Roman" LinustheBold is great! And this fantastic community here is too (can one say this often enough?).
I can say that I really enjoyed "Peer Gynt" in our beloved old
states theater, a couple years ago. Mainly the music of Edvard Grieg was catching me to go there, and my then-girlfriend quite loved the play. So I bought two tickets, which were very very cheap (10 € both!), because I was a student... aaah the glory times... ^^
We came late on that evening a couple minutes (>woman's fault!) and had to sit first "under the roof", till the pause. The places for the late-comers.... They were nearly full, haha... (Someone heard the cliché of the over-punctual germans? Forget it! ^^)
So our first seats were distant to the stage and had a steep angle, but the view on it and into the orchestra pit was very good, also the acoustics. I found it better than the second half at our proper seats in row 4 or 5.
I remember not much of the play in detail, but we had a very nice evening with this great play and live orchestra music. With two different views! And these cheap tickets! YEAH! (With a beer it'd have been the perfect evening... just kidding ^^)
Now is only one thing left to say (if not to late): BREAK A LEG! :)