Posted February 07, 2010

Yay old game preservation
Registered: Sep 2008
From Hungary

Friendship is magic. Magic is Heresy!
Registered: Sep 2008
From Brazil
Posted February 07, 2010

I wish I could get a free gog as a gift as much as the next guy. XD
Oh! Before I forget: Late Happy Birthday Tantrix. Many more years of great gaming to you.

MDK? Sounds good to me. Thanks alot btw.
HOLY COW! Awesome! :D Thank you!
my current wishlist is composed of GK1, Driver: Parallel Lines, Riven and Real Myst.
I wish I could just point a genre and let you choose, but I own a phisical copies of a lot of games here. And I own gogs enough to be a lazy bastard and not list them here. XD
But really: THANK YOU.
my email: *** Not really needed anymore ***
Post edited February 07, 2010 by Falci

The Creeper
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted February 07, 2010
they say it's your birthday......
happy barf-day to ya..
happy barf-day to ya..

Village idiot
Registered: Feb 2010
From Germany
Posted February 07, 2010
And recieved thanks alot!
And hey Falci. Just look in your email ;)
And hey Falci. Just look in your email ;)

Friendship is magic. Magic is Heresy!
Registered: Sep 2008
From Brazil

Registered: Sep 2009
From United States
Posted February 07, 2010
All this gift giving would warm my heart if i had one.
Now to make my escape.
[ darkness spell is cast]
[opens mail to see if dominions 3 is in it i send.which i spend the last of my hidden lairs gold on]
[goes back to hidden lair]
undead minion 606: SIr where under attack by paladins
Me:What how did they find us!
paladin1:Who puts a sign up 5 miles from your hidden lair showing every one where your lair is and how to get in to it.
paladin2:Shut up all ready! let just smite some evil.
undeadminion6007: I told you minion 8097 that puting that sign up was a bad idea.
undeadminion8097:it seen like a good idea at the time.
undeadminion001:You two stop talking and gear up for battle.
8097 and 6007: Yes sir!
a few hours later
me: i love the smell of dead paladin fellow by death and fire.
Now to make my escape.
[ darkness spell is cast]
[opens mail to see if dominions 3 is in it i send.which i spend the last of my hidden lairs gold on]
[goes back to hidden lair]
undead minion 606: SIr where under attack by paladins
Me:What how did they find us!
paladin1:Who puts a sign up 5 miles from your hidden lair showing every one where your lair is and how to get in to it.
paladin2:Shut up all ready! let just smite some evil.
undeadminion6007: I told you minion 8097 that puting that sign up was a bad idea.
undeadminion8097:it seen like a good idea at the time.
undeadminion001:You two stop talking and gear up for battle.
8097 and 6007: Yes sir!
a few hours later
me: i love the smell of dead paladin fellow by death and fire.

Brain Freeze
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted February 07, 2010
Happy Happy birthday no matter when it is/was! :o)

Eschalon - Book One
Registered: Oct 2009
From United States

8 Eyed Spy
Registered: Jan 2010
From United States
Posted February 07, 2010

Today is not my birthday. It was 2 weeks ago on the 26th January, but well I switched it on a free sunday.
It was all nice and stuff. I am not the guy who does enjoy party much, but I got alot of useful stuff, for instance, a Windows 7 key to finally upgrade my comp from the horrible Beta-Version, or a mobile phone (since I never had one),some neat books and a Persian tea set :D.
I am now 20 years old. And I feel old... mentally. And I have really low hopes in future. I wanted to do civilian service on a theatre after my finale exams this year because I have a high hopes for acting, but after the revelation of my foot sickness last sunday, this dream is dead for the future. I am surprised no one gifted me some crutches 8P
I turned 18 on the 27th

Village idiot
Registered: Feb 2010
From Germany
Posted February 07, 2010
such coincedence. But sorry, moneys out for another gog

New User
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted February 08, 2010
Happy late birthday and don't think your old otherwise you will act old and become an outdated dinosaur that everyone wants in the retirement home.
So remember, Think young.
So remember, Think young.

stealthy elf
Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted February 08, 2010
a bit late but i wish you a happy birthday.

Friendship is magic. Magic is Heresy!
Registered: Sep 2008
From Brazil
Posted February 08, 2010
And now it's officially my Birthday. Happy B-day, dear me! :D

Yay old game preservation
Registered: Sep 2008
From Hungary

Likes hot dogs
Registered: Dec 2008
From Chile
Posted February 08, 2010
Happy birthday random internet stranger.