JohnJacobe: Suggestions: Single folder, "extras, exe", is probably more standard than "exe, extras/*". "multilan" is kind of out of place :). If yee are trying to make it as generic as possible, grabbing foldernames from somewhere would be good. For example the gog catalog page *all lowercased if you like*, or the "setup_xxxx.exe"; grabbing xxxx as folder name, etc. Putting fileversion somewhere would be handy; even if you don't want it in the foldername - for example if you make a 2nd list of fileversions (or put in foldername) or something, then people can check miss-matching exes and it would be very handy; you'd probably have to make a program to do this, but, getting fileversion is very simple.
Also I noticed that you split identical extras "Jaggad Alliance Avatars, TexMurphy Files, Duke Nukem Tones, etc". It caused some confusing when comparing to my md5s; may want to think about putting all the extras in each folder, even if it means duplicating a MB or two.
I wish my GoG collection was big enough to do something like this :). It was very helpful for the games we have matching. Thank you. I hope you keep adding your new files to the list, maybe even a simple changelog in the first post "2010-12-15: Added XXX" etc.
The reason why they are stored how they are is because they are a "mirror" of how they are stored on the download servers (so I can just say "download these files" and it skips ones I already have.
I just got another bunch of games in the sale so I will update these on the weekend (and re-download those you identified issues with). I'll also look into a way of adding the file versions (where possible).
Thanks for your help/feedback/suggestions and I'm glad you found it useful :)
EDIT: Just thought, I could have a "download" folder and hardlink the files into a more "sane" structure. I'll also look at doing this.
Just investigated the file version possibility and I've found a way of extracting this information. For example, my fallout version is (instead of which you have).
I'll build a site for all this information this weekend, so would you be interested in working with me to make it as useful as possible?