Wishbone: I'll say. The level design looks fantastic. The game itself too. I'm definitely keeping an eye out for this.
Navagon: Me too. I hope they have the good sense to include bots from the outset though. Indie multiplayer games have a history of not to surviving long without them. If nothing else you need something to fill out the matches a bit and maintain interest when there's not a lot of games out there.
If new MW flops Hawken should have pretty stable player base just because of general lack multiplayer mecha games. I mean, there isn't not much except FME and that Crysis mod, is it?
Navagon: It's not trying to be Mechwarrior. Mechwarrior is slow and stompy and about salvaging the mechs you mash up along the way.
We'll have to wait and see how "slow and stompy" that new MW will be. No guarantees that Piranha Bytes won't try to "reimagine" the series. Pessimistic, yeah, but we've all seen that happen before, right?