Posted December 25, 2012
The new classic adventures.
<a href=[url="></a>Telltale]"></a>Telltale[/url] game started 8 years ago, reportedly because of the love for Sam & Max--when LucasArts canceled the sequel titled Freelance Police, a few employees simply decided to start their own company and produce games how they want, when they want, and in how many episodes they want. Epis.. what? Yes, Telltale created the first the first episodic series released on a tight monthly schedule, and has been releasing games like this ever since. Each episode offers its own small story, pieces of the the bigger puzzle, own cast and special features packed in a smaller format. If you're looking for a few seasons of adventures of the highest quality, buy <a href=[url=">Telltale]">Telltale[/url] Adventures</a>, only today for 80% off.
The Tales of Monkey Island--starring the world famous hapless pirate, Guybrush Threepwood--offers five chapters of fantastic fun for less than $7!
Back to the Future: The Game offers you a glimpse into the adventures of Marty McFly and Doc Brown, that took place after (or before--time travel is tricky) the movie storyline. Get it for less than $5!
Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures features the very British pair of comedians, that starred in many critically acclaimed movies (well, stop-motion claynimations, actually). The entire season of four episodes can be yours for less than $4!
And last, but not in any way the least: Sam and Max, the freelance sleuth duo consisting of a dog in a trenchcoat and notoriously naked white rabbit, are well known to any adventure fan. Now you can get the entire collection of their adventures--all sixteen episodes produced by Telltale spanning over three seasons: Sam & Max Save the World, Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space, and Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse--for less than $20!
<a href=[url="></a>Telltale]"></a>Telltale[/url] game started 8 years ago, reportedly because of the love for Sam & Max--when LucasArts canceled the sequel titled Freelance Police, a few employees simply decided to start their own company and produce games how they want, when they want, and in how many episodes they want. Epis.. what? Yes, Telltale created the first the first episodic series released on a tight monthly schedule, and has been releasing games like this ever since. Each episode offers its own small story, pieces of the the bigger puzzle, own cast and special features packed in a smaller format. If you're looking for a few seasons of adventures of the highest quality, buy <a href=[url=">Telltale]">Telltale[/url] Adventures</a>, only today for 80% off.
The Tales of Monkey Island--starring the world famous hapless pirate, Guybrush Threepwood--offers five chapters of fantastic fun for less than $7!
Back to the Future: The Game offers you a glimpse into the adventures of Marty McFly and Doc Brown, that took place after (or before--time travel is tricky) the movie storyline. Get it for less than $5!
Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures features the very British pair of comedians, that starred in many critically acclaimed movies (well, stop-motion claynimations, actually). The entire season of four episodes can be yours for less than $4!
And last, but not in any way the least: Sam and Max, the freelance sleuth duo consisting of a dog in a trenchcoat and notoriously naked white rabbit, are well known to any adventure fan. Now you can get the entire collection of their adventures--all sixteen episodes produced by Telltale spanning over three seasons: Sam & Max Save the World, Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space, and Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse--for less than $20!