Profanity: I've got my eyes on Arcanum, can anyone elaborate a little on it?
Its a Troika game, which means the following things:
Poorly balanced
Absolutely wonderful!
What Arcanum has going for it is its setting, which is incredible. They have put a lot of work into creating a world that feels believable and interesting. And there is a lot to do in this game, several major cities all with plenty of quests. Many quests have multiple solutions, both depending on what skills you have and your own moral compass. In this game being able to talk your way through a situation is often an option. Also, there are a lot of followers that you can acquire, and if you are a charisma/talking type character, you can use them instead of relying on your own brute force.
That being said, the balance is poor. Charisma monsters are usually the best characters, and magic is better than tech. You can still beat the game as a techie (I've done it), but it is harder than doing it as a mage-type character. Also, the game has some difficulty spikes that can be rather nasty, more so for techies than mages (the first spell in black necromancy will get you through these rough spots).
If you like CRPGs, then you owe it to yourself to give this game a try.