MaridAudran: Guess I'm the lone voice of dissent here in a sea of favorable praise, at least to the OP's question. I don't think the Freespace games compare favorably at all to Freelancer/Starlancer, or its cousins in the Wing Commander series.
I've only played the sequel, Freespace 2, snatched up one lazy afternoon in Le'Bargain Bin. I suppose I technically finished it, though now for the life of me I barely remember any of the details. What I do recall is an
Automat approach to gaming. Queue up to the gruff, clinically depressed-sounding cafeteria worker / mission briefing guy, receive your food tray / flight mission, then mindlessly consume. Rinse, dump your tray / dock your ship, repeat. And it followed this formula each and every time. There was no arching narrative or entourage of characters to speak of, or richly layered universe that you were given a backstory concerning the geopolitical situation therein. Or maybe you were, in bits, during text briefings, but nothing the somnolent, grim narrator ever said to me stuck. I'd been spoiled by Wing Commander's production values, and approach plot, pacing, and of course the cast. Freelancer's default storyline and setting was pretty engaging too.
If all you care about is a pure space combat sim, and cutscenes or lengthy interludes are more a bother than anything else, then you've found your game. Many people seem to like that aspect of it, based on its accolades in this thread and the ongoing modding community...however it left me as cold as the vacuum of space. It's certainly not an open-ended game like Freelancer/Privateer so don't purchase it thinking it's anything like it. I slogged through it to the very end (sense of duty I suppose, or mayhaps faint hope of it blooming later on), but felt like I'd colossally wasted my time, even by video game standards.
Think i would have to agree with this guy. I dont think Freespace games can be compared to Freelancer at all. Totally, TOTALLY different games. The only thing either game has in common is that they are both space sims.