nondeplumage: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Originally a straight rip off of
Babylon 5, it quickly grew into its own, offering an epic story with epic characters in itself. It hits its peak from seasons 3-6. I've only recently discovered this one too.
I've watched both DS9 and Babylon 5, really liked both, and I even own DS9. Honestly I always felt the rivalry was more of an attempt to drum up viewership than anything real and that the similarities between the two shows were very superficial. I know Babylon 5's creator tried to sell Babylon 5 to Paramount before DS9 was created but if you look at the evolution of DS9 it started before then though admittedly it was meant to be set on colony world rather than a space station. However, with respect to themes, characters, story etc ... they were pretty different shows almost from the get go. I would actually say DS9 started out stronger than Babylon 5, but both of them became much better as they progressed. Babylon 5's second season was a huge leap forward in quality.
orcishgamer: Okay I will try DS9. And B5, keep hearingf about it.
Am I the only one who loved Enterprise? I really thought it was more like TOS than anything else they'd done.
Both are quality shows.
I got ... bored of Enterprise I guess because I just viewed it as another TOS/TNG style show it never seemed to bring anything new to the table. I just felt I'd seen each episode before. Apparently I stopped watching before it got good. Though I heard the series finale was terrible, I also heard that the last couple of season were of higher quality in general.
Anybody remember Space: Above and Beyond? It's been a long time since I've watched it, but I remember it being good military SF.