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gogolmogol: Duke Nukem 3D is definitely a fun one. The graphics are admittedly dated. But you know, it's hella fun.
Painkiller is fast and dumb. The graphics are still pretty good, me thinks. A good game to blow off some steam.
I'm actually playing FarCry right now and I have to say I dig it. Although it's highly uneven. The whole business with monsters/mutants is completely unnecessary in my opinion. On the other hand, the jungle setting and the sandbox gameplay is cool. This game requires stealth and careful observations above all. A complete opposite from Painkiller.
I watched a few episodes of a Let's-Play, and was pretty impressed; stealth was required, but it wasn't as mind-numbingly slow as the original Splinter Cell was.
Have you tried The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay yet? It is one of my favourite FPSes around. That is of course if you're not just looking at GOG's catalogue :)

I recommend the original over the Dark Athena pack. Something about the latter seems to be off in comparison to the original, even though it does include the Butcher Bay campaign.
If not Postal, how about Kingpin?

The Guild!!!

Far Cry and Duke Nukem are good ones. Postal 2 makes you laugh so hard you'll cry. Plus, you can piss on people.
Recalling your music recommendation thread, I should probably ask if there's any particular subject matter you'd rather avoid.
Same thing, really, heh.

I'm playing FarCry, and just finished the Fort level - I've only had to reload about forty seven million times, and only ragequit once on the ship :D

(after twelve or thirteen attempts, I still couldn't get out of the ladder room at the beginning of the carrier level). I also died five or six times going onto the deck the first time. Things got better when I found out you can toggle the M4 assault rifle to single shot - much easier to take people down at range!

I'm sneaking up on somebody to grab their hang glider, at the moment.
Can think of one other suggestion that might get me lynched - Dark Messiah of Might and Magic. FPS/RPG using source engine, so not the prettiest thing, but its a bit different and fun. Swords, bows and magic, various skills to learn, but all that pales besides the power of your right foot. You can kick foes to their death if a multitude of grisly ways - into spiked racks, into a fire, off a cliff, your boot is probably your mightiest weapon.

I just loved kicking things to death.

...okay, the Trigens are scary as heck. I killed a few at range from the treetops, then one attacked me. Took out my armor before I could kill it. I grenaded the ones pinning down the scientist into Oblivion, but took a couple of hits before I could kill one with a pistol. Then, one jumps into the air, plummets down, and kills me from behind with two swipes. From 90% health to dead in less than a second. SERIOUSLY?!?

I'm playing on the very easiest mode. What happens on the harder modes, they kill you without touching you?