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Starkrun: best part is the fact that ICO is the special edition with the new ending and changes in the story... basically a new game YAY!

Special edition? Oh right, you're in the US. You got the gimped edition. Everyone else got the proper version with the second play thought, translated Yorda speech and an altered puzzle (or two). Not to mention the far better art work too =)
i'll be getting both the sly cooper and these releases, what interests me is that shot of the sly cooper box marked as "Classics HD" suggesting theres others being considered for rerelease
Rumor: In fucking 3D, too!
Re-released and given the HD treatment. Definitely happy about this, I've never played the originals and have heard way too many people ranting about how great they are to ignore it
Team ICO collection trailer for download:
The Last Guardian trailer:
Post edited September 16, 2010 by taczillabr
FlintlockJazz: This is ironic, as lately I was seriously considering getting a PS2 just to try these games. Unfortunately it looks like they are only going to be coming out for the PS3, which I have no intention of buying, so may still have to stick to the 'buy PS2' approach. Ah well, they are usually better in the original form anyway!
bansama: Of course, if you then find you like them, you'll have to get a PS3 to play the next one. So you may as well just get the PS3 if you think there's the slightest possibility that you're going to want to follow the series after playing the first two.
FlintlockJazz: This is ironic, as lately I was seriously considering getting a PS2 just to try these games. Unfortunately it looks like they are only going to be coming out for the PS3, which I have no intention of buying, so may still have to stick to the 'buy PS2' approach. Ah well, they are usually better in the original form anyway!
Npl: SotC had horrible slowdowns, there is hope that the port will fix this. It really made a couple fights frustrating.
SO from the perspective of getting the better version of these 2 games then you should atleast wait for a review of the final version I can understand that PS2 is a more appealing Console for the amount of Genres and excellent games - something no other console is close, and from the looks of it wont coming close ever (thanks to the mainstream FPS crap thats the whole focus now).
Gonna buy the collection for SotC, couldnt stand Ico. And hopefully some good sales will motivate other publishers to follow suit with their own games, there are tons of gems on PS2 which would deserve it.

Thanks for the advice, I'll see how these HD versions turn out then before buying anything, though I'm not sure whether I'd still get a PS3, while I was considering getting either a 360 or PS3 I'm primarily a PC gamer and most of the games I would play them on are also on PC, which is my prefered platform, so it's been rather awkward for me to justify it to myself. ;)
PS2 has got the big catalog of games, though to be honest the only two games I can name at the moment that are only available on it that I would play is ironically Ico and SotC. :D I'm sure that there is something that will pop up that will help me make up my mind though, thanks again for the advice..
FlintlockJazz... Blu-ray? ;)
FlintlockJazz: Thanks for the advice, I'll see how these HD versions turn out then before buying anything, though I'm not sure whether I'd still get a PS3, while I was considering getting either a 360 or PS3 I'm primarily a PC gamer and most of the games I would play them on are also on PC, which is my prefered platform, so it's been rather awkward for me to justify it to myself. ;)
You can use any Keyboard and mouse to play quite a few games on the PS3, and you can use the move controller to surf the web. it has more power, free online, and there games just run better IMO. Ive saved over $300 in online fees i would have paied out on the 360 just by having a PS3.

360's are still red ringing and there failure rate is the same, just doesn't make the news... my buddy's new 360 just died after 2 months of use. and hes still supporting them and making excuses for them.

besides sonys on demand movies/music is coming and i have netflix... why on earth would anyone get a system that you have to PAY to go online when the other is free.... 360 failed when they didn't force users to have a HDD and supported the failed HD-DVD and its finally catching up t them, low ram, slow cpu, shitty gpu... graphics are crap comparatively... and Natal's tech is so slow and sluggish, there software just cant handle what the ps3 can do in the same clock cycles.
Aliasalpha: http://www.kotak
Re-released and given the HD treatment. Definitely happy about this, I've never played the originals and have heard way too many people ranting about how great they are to ignore it
Yet another reason for me to go PS3 rather than get a new 360.
Starkrun: You can use any Keyboard and mouse to play quite a few games on the PS3, and you can use the move controller to surf the web. it has more power, free online, and there games just run better IMO. Ive saved over $300 in online fees i would have paied out on the 360 just by having a PS3.
You can use a standard usb keyboard and mouse on a PS3 to play games and it will just work are you sure?