xxxIndyxxx: Yeah gamespot basicly bashed it for being a point and click adventure......
Somehow larry get's all this crap for just being a paintjob but somehow monkeyisland got a free pass...twice... and don't give me that crap that monkeyisland is 10 times better because it isn't, they have a different setting and a different kind of humor but take that out of it and you get basicly equal games. Humour is a matter of taste.
yyahoo: I will say this about the difference between the MI games and the first Larry. The MI games are significantly longer than Larry 1, especially if you don't experiment a lot to see all the little jokes from clicking story-independent items in the game.
This is the complete walkthrough (again, independent of exploring items to click on). Spoilers, obviously. Needless to say, there's not much to it.
But again, given that it's a remake of a 1987 game, and the whole point of the project was to simply give it a new paint job. I still don't think it's fair to criticize the project. Now, if they build a completely new Larry game and it turns out like this, all bets are off.
It's worth noting that if you're going to talk about length (no, game length, shut up Larry!), LSL1 isn't a remake of a 1987 game, it's yet another remake of a
1981 game, the text-based Softporn Adventure (included in the GOG release of Larry's Greatest Hits and Misses). In that regard we should be comparing it to its Infocom contemporaries (Zork 1, 2 and maybe Deadline), in which case yeah it's still a pathetically small game.