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that's the problem: they have no programers.

they have several guys who design game mechanics and systems, a writer, a concept artist, and a musician / sound guy; but none of them are programers, or if they can program it is not at the level of a lead programer.

they are also missing people to convert concept art into 3D models, which would then need to be animated ...
Sogi-Ya: they are also missing people to convert concept art into 3D models, which would then need to be animated ...
But they want MONEY! :D
It's depressing, all the good cRPG developers like New World Computing, Sir-Tech, Origin Systems, etc, they all went broke. I just wish BIS could rest in peace, it's already bad enough that Bethesda got the FO license and now a couple of FPS games bear that name
low rated
Sogi-Ya: they are also missing people to convert concept art into 3D models, which would then need to be animated ...
keeveek: But they want MONEY! :D
that is to FUCKING hire the FUCKING people that they FUCKING need to FUCKING get a real FUCKING game THE FUCK together.

FOR FUCK'S SAKE, if you are this FUCKING dead set on FUCKING criticizing: it is kinda a good idea to fully read the FUCKING site so you know what the FUCK you are talking about.


there IS plenty to criticize about this fundraiser, there IS plenty that interplay is tripping over their own dicks on; how they don't have a real game to go along with this fundraiser is not one of those things and whining like a little bitch about it just makes you look like a jack ass anti-fan that will bitch about anything!

the explicit point of it is that they CAN'T make a game right now because before they get to that point they need to hire the people they are missing: thus this fund raiser TO GET MORE PEOPLE WORKING AT BLACK ISLE.

*pant*pant* god damn it, just get your facts straight .... by all means, bitch and cry (that is what the internet is for) but get your god damned facts straight first! that way you are at least bitching and crying about appropriate issues.
keeveek: But they want MONEY! :D
What rage rofl. This has to be the funniest thing I've read all day.
yeah, I know .... it's just that this shit is getting so damned annoying!

day one a bunch of haters and "gaming journalists" skimmed the site and started spewing their knee jerk impressions, since then it's been almost nothing but parrots mimicking those statements over and over again without actually cheeking to see if they were correct.

Just because most other crowdfunding drives from game companies are for specific game projects doesn't mean that ALL drives must be for game projects. interplay is trying to get back on it's feet and return to internal development (everything they have done so far has been farmed out to third parties) but before they can sell something they need to be able to make it ... but if they have nothing to sell then they have no money to hire the people that they will need to make things.

it's a vicious circle that is typically solved by asking for money from investors, but all the hate for Interplay (some of which is deserved) is scaring away investors form putting in the start up funds that they need: it would probably be so much easier for them if they just quit and walked away to start an indie studio, but for whatever reason they don't want to and decided to try asking for handouts from what few fans they have.
Post edited December 31, 2012 by Sogi-Ya
keeveek: But they want MONEY! :D
Could it be, that you somehow missed or even misinterpreted that :D part at the end of keeveeks post? :)
Sogi-Ya: crowdfunding drives from game companies are for specific game projects doesn't mean that ALL drives
Sure, we can give money to them. We could give money to other people.

Now what do they have to show to make us believe that they are capable of delivering a games we want or that they are people we would want to support?

Well... nothing.

They have no concrete specific plans. They have no prototype. Whatever mythical development team is going to build this doesn't really exist. They have a negative track record in having been talking about making this type of thing for many years and getting nowhere with it. The only common thread between current interplay and historical interplay is a few businessmen, who used to own some of the best development houses in the business and completely failed to run a successful game development studio, ran out of funds and went bankrupt.

So we have.. no reason in particular to believe think it will go well. Plenty of reason to believe it's a greedy or at least hubristic money grab, and plenty of other takers for our money.

I would suggest you DO NOT give any money to "interplay".
Post edited January 01, 2013 by jsjrodman
Sogi-Ya: snip
What a fuckfest :D Do you kiss your mother with that mouth? :D

I will explain this to you in few simple words. Good programmer costs at least 6,000 a month. Good 3D graphic designer - 4,000. Animationist - another 4,000

That means they would have to gather at least around 15k to be able to make a game for a month :D Not to mention shitload of other resources and money on other things. In short, they are lacking a basic resource - manpower. People who are willing to sacrifice a few months to make a game.

If they are even lacking men to make a game, the chances to make a game even if they gather significant amount of money is very close to nothing.

There isn't a simple reason to give them money, because there is 90% (yes, I counted) chance that they will eat it away and die.

This is why they don't even promise making a game. Because they know they won't be able to do it. They just need money! to eat it for a few months and then announce fuck you, the game is not gonna happen.

Do you understand now? :-)
Post edited January 01, 2013 by keeveek
Sogi-Ya, you don't know what you're talking about.

Herve Caen is the man who shut down Black Isle Studio in the first place, he's the man who cancelled Van Buren (Interplay's Fallout 3) and instead gave us the utter abomination that was Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel. He sold the Fallout license to Bethesda. Do you not see the irony of the man and company that destroyed Black Isle with their own hands now "bringing it back" and claiming to be the saviors of RPG?

So even in this imaginary world of yours when this "Project V13" game gets made (which it won't), Interplay would just use the crowdfunding money to make a console-based action game, because under Caen's retarded management this is the only type of game they make.
Crosmando: Sogi-Ya, you don't know what you're talking about.

Herve Caen is the man who shut down Black Isle Studio in the first place, he's the man who cancelled Van Buren (Interplay's Fallout 3) and instead gave us the utter abomination that was Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel. He sold the Fallout license to Bethesda. Do you not see the irony of the man and company that destroyed Black Isle with their own hands now "bringing it back" and claiming to be the saviors of RPG?

So even in this imaginary world of yours when this "Project V13" game gets made (which it won't), Interplay would just use the crowdfunding money to make a console-based action game, because under Caen's retarded management this is the only type of game they make.
Haha, oh god i forgot about brotherhood of steel...
How that game came to be is a total mystery to me xD
Crosmando: Sogi-Ya, you don't know what you're talking about.

Herve Caen is the man who shut down Black Isle Studio in the first place, he's the man who cancelled Van Buren (Interplay's Fallout 3) and instead gave us the utter abomination that was Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel. He sold the Fallout license to Bethesda. Do you not see the irony of the man and company that destroyed Black Isle with their own hands now "bringing it back" and claiming to be the saviors of RPG?

So even in this imaginary world of yours when this "Project V13" game gets made (which it won't), Interplay would just use the crowdfunding money to make a console-based action game, because under Caen's retarded management this is the only type of game they make.
Faenrir: Haha, oh god i forgot about brotherhood of steel...
How that game came to be is a total mystery to me xD
Yeah sorry for reminding you, it's best we just forget it ever existed
*shrug* never played it myself, just looked kinda dumb and nothing like the "core" Fallout gameplay .... however my older brother loved the shit out of it and would play it all the time.

everyone's tastes are different, stop whinging that this *needs* to fail simple because *you* don't like it.
Sogi-Ya: snip
keeveek: What a fuckfest :D Do you kiss your mother with that mouth? :D
who you think taught me to swear? one of her favorite saying was "Fuck A Duck."

and yes, I understood all that quite a while ago .... but if they can get $10k - $15k, then combine it with the money they get from GOG + their mobile / Wii ware shit, then find someone who can do both modeling and design while buying a game engine that doesn't need to be programed all that much: maybe something will happen.

yeah, it's not that likely that this will work out and I know it, but I would like for it to work and piss off more than $20 on McDonalds in the average week ... contribute to what I think is a worthy (if a bit bleak) cause while cutting back on my intake of death burgers sounds like a Win - Win to me.
keeveek: What a fuckfest :D Do you kiss your mother with that mouth? :D
Sogi-Ya: who you think taught me to swear? one of her favorite saying was "Fuck A Duck."

and yes, I understood all that quite a while ago .... but if they can get $10k - $15k, then combine it with the money they get from GOG + their mobile / Wii ware shit, then find someone who can do both modeling and design while buying a game engine that doesn't need to be programed all that much: maybe something will happen.
Then its good for them but I won't give them money just because they once had some developers that made good games which aren't there anymore because they MIGHT make a game and it MIGHT be good and it MIGHT be even in a genre I like. Without getting the game later for the money I won't give them the money regardless of how promising it would sound.