Posted July 19, 2013
That is what I have been wondering about. On one way the gameplay kinda added on the point the devs were trying to make, but on other hand if they made amazing shooter, would the game lose anything? No it wouldnt, it would just have great gameplay as well.
F1ach: I just thought it was a mediocre shooter, the "morality" implied in the game just went right over my head cos..well .. it's just a game...
They made it mediocre on purpose? Yeah, right, I played other spec op's games and they were the wrong end of mediocre too :) So they just hid behind "we made it on purpose" when in fact it is their norm?
Ghorpm: Frankly, I don't believe them. Did they say that a priori or a posteriori? Probably the latter, as an excuse when people started criticizing the game. That's more or less the same thing with indie devs taking unfair advantage of a word "retro". "Yeah, we are developing a game with a retro aesthetic..." Just how many times we've seen it? Sorry, you are not. You are actually developing a game with a crappy graphic and you are just looking for an excuse. I don't blame anyone if he/she cannot do it better (whatever reason) but please don't us "retro" as a synonym of "pixelated". Wadjet Eye games is a perfect example of a true retro aesthetic. They are just gorgeous (yeah that's subjective but I guess most of you will agree with it). I think it might be the same with a problem you've just described... Retro City Rampage was interesting example that devolving certain aspects of a game can work. I said I loved playing Spec Ops the Line, but I most likely wouldnt play it again, simply due to the fact that the best part about the game is story...and I only need to hear that once.

They made it mediocre on purpose? Yeah, right, I played other spec op's games and they were the wrong end of mediocre too :)

Post edited July 19, 2013 by Detlik