OldFatGuy: *Snippage about AMD versus Intel*
CymTyr: I'm not going to defend AMD. Intel makes better processors for multitasking. You asked about a single game application, which the build I described I use, and which gets over 30 fps in Skyrim with maxed settings.
If you go with intel it's no sweat off my brow, it's not like I work for AMD. I just use them because for the cost versus performance of an AMD system versus an Intel system, I saved a LOT of green going AMD. To compensate for its lackluster performance of multitasking, I spent $45 on 8 gb of DDR3 RAM.
It all depends on what you want to do and how you want to do it. There is no superiority complex or justification in my liking my Phenom processor, other than it cost a LOT less than the Intel equivalent when money was really, really tight.
My apologies, I didn't mean that to be directed at you, as I never even thought of you when I wrote it (in fact, I didn't really think of anyone in this thread when I wrote it, I was thinking of past conversations with big time AMD enthusiasts). I didn't recall you being some big advocate for AMD, but if you perceived it as such, then the fault is mine and I need to do better. I'm sorry.
My "rant" in that post was directed at the over the top defenders of AMD that I have seen here (and elsewhere) and it wasn't even really meant to be an attack, just a plea for a response to those facts. Because it wasn't just one game, it was two on that page, and as I understand it, there were several others that site did that had similar results (the AMD processors being on the bottom of the performance chart) and I wonder what the "response" is from those folks, you know???
Again, sorry if it was perceived as personal remark at you, as that wasn't my intention and it's up to me to communicate better so as not to have that happen.
My bad.
ADDED IN EDIT: (This is also not directed at you CymTyr, as I respect and understand where you're coming from.)
But I found this today, now it's a year old, which I guess makes it ancient in this industry, but these are the kinds of findings that I have a hard time wrapping my head around the big time AMD CPU enthusiasts because I think it appears to me that the only real gain in AMD's is, as CymTry rightly said above, is it's PRICE.
It would be up to each individual to determine whether the drop in performance is worth the price, but I don't think there can be any more debate about the performance, unless, again, I'm missing something and someone knows what a good response to this would be.
With the sub-$100 Pentiums performing so well, Intel's $125 Core i3-2100 easily beats more expensive Phenom II and FX models. And the $190 Core i5-2400 dominates the sub-$200 landscape without challenge, really. As such, we're almost-shockingly left without an AMD CPU to recommend at any price point.
http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/gaming-fx-pentium-apu-benchmark,3120-10.html Is the performance advantage this crystal clear regarding Nvidia graphics cards versus AMD graphics cards or is it just CPU's????
Look, I admit I expected some loss in performance when considering AMD, as that's the way the world works, if it's cheaper, there's a reason, but I wasn't prepared for the level of the loss. As the quote above states, they can't recommend any AMD CPU at any price point. That was what I was seeing when I was looking at the link above and some of the links from that link.
I hope AMD improves because if they don't, and we're left with Intel and Intel only, then it's only a matter of when, not if, Intel's become absolute garbage with no competition forcing them to innovate. Same goes with Nvidia based graphics cards.