Sorry for the caps, in phase 3 of the campaign right now. It is really, really fun. As well, the game made me change up tactics several times by throwing new stuff at me (maybe on subsequent playthroughs it'll all be easy, dunno).
MobiusArcher: I got SPAZ during the Christmas sales. As far as that type of gameplay goes, SPAZ Is pretty great. Im not that far into the game right now, so I don't know if it will manage to hold my interest all the way through. It looks like it could be a pretty long one. Even if you don't finish it, its easy to get your monies worth out of it. Assuming you like top down space shooters of course.
It looks daunting at first but once you tech up you can mow through star systems just stopping long enough to pick up new tech (if it even exists) or just blow open the warp gates. I also spent a lot of time trying to up my rep doing quests to get the opposite faction to sell me their stuff... then I figured out a better solution... BOOM!