Elmofongo: I would like to also say is this games themeselves good like one of the best early western CRPGs along with Ultima, Wizardry and Might and Magic? Whats the legacy and impact this left for you?
Back in the day - a day maybe 25 years ago now - the Bard's Tale was the first RPG I remember playing seriously, on the Commodore 64. It came on 2 double-sided cassettes and the loading times were excrutiating, yet somehow it didn't bother me too much (somehow I feel that gamer's today can't really grasp the concept of 'loading times' for games). I painstakingly mapped out every location on graph paper and would make copies for my friends who were also playing it. Ah, automap - you killed a part of me I never thought I'd miss....
Still, playing The Bard's Tale definately got me eager for more cRPGs - but by the time I got round to playing Bard's Tale 2 and 3 I'd gotten used to the SSI Gold-Box style of game and didn't quite enjoy the Bard's Tale style quite so much. I still have all three Bard's Tales + the construction Kit on some Interplay Collection (along with the original Wasteland) but haven't ever gone back to it.
Still, if it's released here, I might just give it a go, for old-time's sake....