soulgrindr: I didn't mind the boss fight, but I thought it was kind of generic - which was a bit of a letdown. The character (who i won't name here) wasn't really about power and combat, more about sneakiness and plotting. It seemed a bit out of place for him to suddenly morph into one of those "shoot it till it dies" tough bosses.
I'm assuming the visual image was supposed to be important *looks at the cover of Atlas Shrugged*, but I didn't think it worked that great.
A more character driven boss/ending would have been a little more appropriate imho. but it was ok.
I kind of think that line of thinking comes from treating BioShock like a pinnacle of gaming storytelling and art, as something that stands above the norm, then being deflated when the ending makes it clear it's "just" a video game at heart.
I kind of thought it was a video game all the way through though, just a video game that gives you more and better context than most.
kalirion: In the middle of playing Doom 3 right now, and it doesn't seem overly long. Obviously I haven't finished it yet, but I just acquired the Soul Cube, which makes me feel I'm not too far from the end.... (15.8 hours so far according to Steam, but maybe 1 hour was spent playing with display settings.)
Doom 3 is pretty freaking long, like 20 hours. That is long for an FPS without question, and too long in my opinion.